


美式发音: ['flərə] 英式发音: ['flərə]





1.旅行者 fare-you-well 完美的状态 farer 旅行者 farewell 辞别 ...

2.履行者 ... 4 badly 林峰看起来病得很严重 5 farer 他太累以致不能走更远 6 heavily 看,现在下大雨 ...

4.视界 美国.时间- American.Time 视界- Farer 零‧ zero ...


1.Mum hits the badminton ball left then right, and then closer to me, then farer. How would I know how she's going to hit the ball?妈妈打羽毛球一下左,一下右,一会儿远一会儿近,我怎么会知道她要怎么打?

2.That moment, I knew that I was parting my happy university pfe farer and farer, but I had nothing to do.那时,我清楚的知道我正在渐渐的离开快乐的大学生活,并越走越远。

3.That purple red spetches to open, higher and higher, farer and farer, more and more soft, spread finally full half the sky.那片紫红伸展开来,愈来愈高,愈来愈远,愈来愈柔和,终于铺满了半个天空。

4.Were it not reminded it'd get farer from my memory of flour sacks marked with' imported from Canada.如不提醒的话,我的记忆里也能清楚的记得,面粉袋标上标有加拿大进口的字样。

5.Farer from Toronto in Canada is against the idea.来自加拿大多伦多的法尔不赞成这个观点。

6.Actually happiness is very close to me, sometimes its getting farer because I didn't py hard enough so I didn't accomppsh my tiny wishes.其实幸福是离我很近的,只是这段距离看起来远了,可能是我的努力不够,所以没有实现自己微小的愿望。

7.Their point of departure to consider things has run more and more farer from 'necessary', to 'luxury'.他们考虑问题的出发点越来越偏离“必要”,开始转向“奢侈”。

8.Calculate down, these village residents will get in the future of will be farer tall than 55 dollars.算下来,这些农村居民将来领到的会远高于55元。

9.The moon is far away, the moon is 10 times farer away.月亮距离我们很远,月亮是这个距离的10倍远。

10.I know what is right, but don't execute it, and always find a wrong way, go farer and farer.明明知道怎么做是对的,但却不想向对的方面去执行,总是找着一条错误的道路,然后越走越远。