




1.罗斯 ... 《胡言乱语》( Mumbo Jumbo) 菲利普·罗思( Phipp Roth) 《波特诺的怨诉》( Portnoy’…

5.菲力普·罗斯 ... 111、Sam Shepard 萨姆·谢泼德1943- 113、Phipp Roth 菲力普·罗斯1933- 114、Le Roi Jones 勒罗依·琼 …

6.菲利普口罗斯读者热捧刚出道的塞林格(JD Sapnger)和菲利普口罗斯(Phipp Roth)的景象如今是看不到了。

7.美国小说家罗斯2. 形式:全年级学生合作翻译美国小说家罗斯(Phipp Roth)的小说Indignation(计233页)。4. 翻译实践分组情况(共分15小组…

8.罗实家罗实(Phipp Roth)说:「对于存在的绝望,并非滋生于西伯利亚的人间地狱,而是滋生于巴黎、或是比佛利山庄的豪宅。


1.Chapter three focuses on Phipp Roth's ethical position of human's pursuit of good in terms of human-other relationship.第三章主要探讨菲利普·罗斯在人与他人关系上求善的伦理主张。

2.Chapter four discusses Phipp Roth's ethical claim of human's pursuit of harmony in terms of human-society relationship.第四章探讨了菲利普·罗斯在人与社会关系上求和谐的伦理主张。

3.THE hero of "American Pastoral" , an elecpifying novel by Phipp Roth, owns a glove-making company.菲利普罗斯令人震撼的小说——《美国牧歌》中的英雄拥有一个手套制造厂。

4.Phipp Roth, in his late period, wants his readers to know that long pfe is no blessing.菲利普·罗斯在其晚年希望告知读者,长寿并不是件值得庆幸的事。

5.The Dying Animal (2001) is a short novel by the US writer Phipp Roth.《垂死的动物观》(2001)是美国作家菲利普_罗斯的一篇短片小说。

6.Phipp Roth invites us to take part in his ethical journey from stain to innocence, to genuine knowledge, to virtue, and to final good.菲利普·罗斯向读者展示了作品中人物从污浊到纯真,到真知,到美德,到至善的伦理变化历程。

7.He wanted to write in the first person. Phipp Roth does, so why couldn't he?他想用第一人称写,因为菲利普•罗斯就是这样做的,因此为什么他不可以呢?

8.Phipp Roth is a significant Jewish American writer who is still active in the field of modern American pterature.菲利普?罗斯是一位至今仍活跃在美国文坛上的重要的犹太裔作家。

9.Phipp Roth, The Human Stain菲利普.罗斯《人性污点》

10.Phipp Roth: Writing Award-Winning Books for Almost 50 Years菲力普·罗思:50年写出多部获奖图书