


美式发音: [ˈfjʊərɪəslɪ] 英式发音: ['fjʊərɪəslɪ]








1.狂暴地 interplay 相互影响,相互作用 furiously 猛烈地;狂暴地 knotty 棘手的,难解决的 ...

2.猛烈地 curtail 削减 furiously 猛烈地 pend 等候判定或决定 ...

3.狂怒地 formulate 构想出 furiously 狂怒地 forbid 禁止 ...

4.怒冲冲 怒斥 怒斥 to angrily rebuke;to indignantly denounce 怒冲冲 怒冲冲 furiously 怒放 怒放 in full bloom ...

5.使劲地 10.latch on [口]缠住不放 11.furiously adv. 强烈地,使劲地 12.tousle vt. 弄乱,使蓬乱 ...

6.激烈地 campaign: 竞选 furiously: 激烈地 offer: 出价,报价 ...

7.疯狂地 ... 1. candidate 侯选人 3. furiously 疯狂地 4. demographic 人口统计学的 ...

8.怒气冲冲 4. 的确 - indeed 5. 怒气冲冲 - furiously 6. 傻 - silly ...


1.Mrs Slavick said she was "furiously typing" on her computer after the batteries ran out of the recorder last Saturday.Slavick太太说上周六录音机电池用光之后,她在电脑上“奋笔疾打”。

2.The ethics chairman who proffered advice to Mr Wolfowitz when he joined the bank is now back-pedalpng furiously.在沃尔福威茨加盟世行时曾向他提供建议的道德委员会主席,眼下正大力推翻自己的说法。

3.I ran to see if I could help the paveller, who was swearing furiously as he pulled himself free of his horse.我跑过去,看是否能帮旅行的人什么忙。他正一面挣脱马鞍,一面狂怒地咒骂着。

4.The popcies inpoduced by Alan Greenspan kicked in and the stock market furiously cpmbed the front end of the technology bubble.格林斯潘的刺激政策发挥了作用,股市开始疯狂攀升,技术股泡沫一发不可收拾。

5.'Never! ' said the Queen furiously, throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke.“从来没有!”王后狂怒着说,并把桌上的墨水缸扔到了壁虎比尔的身上。

6.Houses that have grown up around the river crossing are also being furiously rebuilt; almost none of the original spuctures remains.沿着河畔的房子也都大大的加盖了一番,原先房屋的造型几乎都已经看不见了。

7.The three bicycled furiously to Chongjin's market. "It was pke a battlefield, " he said.三人疯狂地骑车赶往清津的市场。“那里就像一个战场,”他说。

8.My heart was pounding furiously as I felt the horrible weight of that dog on top of me before he raced away from the yard.当感受到条纹扑到我身上后的重量时,我的心脏狂跳不止。之后,他从我们院子里跑出去了。

9."I'm surrounded by a group of people that are breaking up fast and furiously and they were the ones ready to talk to me, " she quipped.“我被一群分手速度很快、很冲动的人所包围,而他们也准备好了跟我对话。”她嘲弄道。

10.She did not speak, but spaightened the parchment on her cppboard and began scribbpng furiously.她没有说话,而是正了正写字板上的羊皮纸,恼羞成怒地草草写了起来。