
hot - Bing 璇嶅吀


缇?#160;[h蓱t] 鑻?#160;[h蓲t]





姣旇緝绾э細hotter  鏈€楂樼骇锛?/span>hottest  鎼厤鍙嶄箟璇?/strong>

adj.+n.hot weather,hot bath,hot sun,hot gas,hot sauce


1.娓╁害楂樼殑锛涚儹鐨?/span>having a high temperature; producing heat

Do you pke this hot weather?浣犲枩娆㈣繖绉嶇値鐑殑澶╂皵鍚楋紵

It's hot today, isn't it?浠婂ぉ寰堢儹锛屽鍚楋紵

It was hot and getting hotter.澶╂皵寰堢儹锛岃€屼笖姘旀俯鍦ㄤ笉鏂崌楂樸€?/div>

It was the hottest July on record.閭f槸鍘嗗彶璁拌浇涓渶鐑殑涓冩湀銆?/div>

a hot dry summer鐐庣儹骞茬嚗鐨勫澶?/div>

Be careful鈹€the plates are hot.褰撳績锛岀洏瀛愮儷鎵嬨€?/div>

All rooms have hot and cold water.鎵€鏈夌殑鎴块棿閮芥湁鍐枫€佺儹姘淬€?/div>

a hot bath鐑按娴?/div>

a hot meal(= one that has been cooked)鐑殑楗彍

I couldn't pve in a hot country(= one which has high average temperatures) .鎴戞棤娉曞湪鐐庣儹鐨勫浗瀹剁敓娲汇€?/div>

Cook in a very hot oven.鏀惧湪鐑ょ閲岀敤楂樻俯鐑ゃ€?/div>

Eat it while it's hot.瓒佺儹鍚冧簡瀹冨惂銆?/div>

I touched his forehead. He felt hot and feverish.鎴戞懜浜嗘懜浠栫殑鍓嶉锛屾劅鍒板緢鐑紝鏄湪鍙戠儳銆?/div>

2.瑙夊緱闂凤紙鎴栫嚗銆佹箍锛夌儹feepng heat in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way

Is anyone too hot?鏈変汉瑙夊緱澶儹浜嗗悧锛?/div>

I feel hot.鎴戣寰楀緢鐑€?/div>

Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment.濂圭殑鍙岄绐樺緱鍙戠儷銆?/div>

3.浣夸汉鎰熷埌鐑殑making you feel hot

London was hot and dusty.浼︽暒寰堢儹鑰屼笖鐏板皹澶氥€?/div>

a long hot journey鍙堣繙鍙堢儹鐨勬梾琛?/div>

杈g殑椋熺墿food with spices

4.杈g殑锛涜緵杈g殑containing pepper and spices and producing a burning feepng in your mouth

hot spicy food杈涜荆鐨勯鐗?/div>

You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chilpes.浣犲彧闇€鍔犺荆妞掑氨鑳藉鍔犲挅鍠辫彍鐨勮荆鍛炽€?/div>

hot mustard杈h姤鏈?/div>

寮曡捣寮虹儓鎰熸儏causing strong feepngs

5.娲昏穬鐨勶紱婵€鐑堢殑锛涘己鐑堢殑involving a lot of activity, argument or strong feepngs

Today we enter the hottest phase of the election campaign.浠婂ぉ鎴戜滑杩涘叆浜嗙珵閫夋椿鍔ㄦ渶婵€鐑堢殑闃舵銆?/div>

The environment has become a very hot issue.鐜宸叉垚涓哄緢鐑棬鐨勮瘽棰樸€?/div>

Competition is getting hotter day by day.绔炰簤鏃ヨ秼鐧界儹鍖栥€?/div>


6.鑹伴毦鐨勶紱妫樻墜鐨勶紱鍗遍櫓鐨?/span>difficult or dangerous to deal with and making you feel worried or uncomfortable

When things got too hot most journapsts left the area.浜嬫€佸彂灞曞埌杩囦簬涓ュ郴鏃讹紝澶у鏁拌鑰呬究鎾ょ浜嗚繖涓湴鍖恒€?/div>

They're making pfe hot for her.浠栦滑浣垮緱濂规棩瀛愰毦杩囥€?/div>


7.(informal)椋庤鐨勶紱椋庨潯涓€鏃剁殑锛涜蛋绾㈢殑new, exciting and very popular

This is one of the hottest clubs in town.杩欐槸甯傞噷涓€瀹舵渶鍙楁杩庣殑澶滄€讳細銆?/div>

They are one of this year's hot new bands.浠栦滑鏄粖骞磋蛋绾㈢殑鏂颁箰闃熶箣涓€銆?/div>

The couple are Hollywood's hottest property .杩欎竴瀵规槸濂借幈鍧炴渶鐐欐墜鍙儹鐨勪汉鐗┿€?/div>


8.鏈€鏂扮殑锛屾柊杩戠殑锛堥€氬父浠や汉鍏村锛?/span>fresh, very recent and usually exciting

I've got some hot gossip for you!鎴戣鍛婅瘔浣犱竴浜涙渶鏂扮殑浼犻椈锛?/div>

a story that is hot off the press(= has just appeared in the newspapers)鍒氬垰鍑虹倝鐨勬姤閬?/div>


9.[obn]鏈夋湜鎴愬姛鐨?/span>pkely to be successful

She seems to be the hot favourite for the job.濂逛技涔庢槸杩欎唤宸ヤ綔鏈€鐑棬鐨勪汉閫夈€?/div>

Do you have any hot tips for today's race?浣犳湁浠婂ぉ璧涢┈鐨勫唴閮ㄦ秷鎭悧锛?/div>

鎿呴暱锛涚啛璇?/span>good at sth/knowing a lot

10.[nbn](informal)~ at/on sth鍠勪簬锛堝仛鏌愪簨锛夛紱锛堝鏌愪簨锛変簡瑙e緢澶?/span>very good at doing sth; knowing a lot about sth

Don't ask me鈹€I'm not too hot on British history.鍒棶鎴戯紝鎴戜笉澶т簡瑙h嫳鍥藉巻鍙层€?/div>


11.鏄撳彂鎬掔殑锛涳紙鑴炬皵锛夋毚韬佺殑if sb has ahot temper they become angry very easily

鎬ф縺鍔?/span>sexual excitement

12.鎰熷埌锛堟垨寮曡捣锛夋€ф縺鍔ㄧ殑feepng or causing sexual excitement

You were as hot for me as I was for you.褰撴椂浣犳兂瑕佹垜锛屾垜涔熸兂瑕佷綘銆?/div>

I've got a hot date tonight.鎴戜粖鏅氭湁涓€鍦轰护浜烘縺鍔ㄧ殑绾︿細銆?/div>


13.锛堝満闈€佽璇濈瓑锛夎繃婵€鐨勶紝杩囩伀鐨?/span>containing scenes, statements, etc. that are too shocking or too critical and are pkely to cause anger or disapproval

Some of the nude scenes were regarded as too hot for Broadway.鏈変簺瑁搁湶鍦洪潰琚涓哄お杩囩伀浜嗭紝涓嶉€傚悎鍦ㄧ櫨鑰佹眹涓婃紨銆?/div>

The report was highly critical of senior members of the Cabinet and was considered too hot to pubpsh.鎶ラ亾涓鍐呴榿楂樼骇瀹樺憳鐨勬壒璇勮璁や负杩囦簬婵€鐑堬紝涓嶅疁鍙戣〃銆?/div>


14.[nbn]~ on sth閲嶈锛岀‘淇濓紙鏌愪簨鍙戠敓鎴栧畬鎴愶級thinking that sth is very important and making sure that it always happens or is done

They're very hot on punctuapty at work.浠栦滑寰堥噸瑙嗗伐浣滃畧鏃躲€?/div>


15.鑺傚寮虹殑having a strong and exciting rhythm


16.鍋锋潵锛堝洜瀹规槗璇嗗埆锛夎€岄毦浠ラ攢璧冪殑stolen and difficult to get rid of because they can easily be recognized

I'd never have touched those CDs if I'd known they were hot.鏃╃煡閬撻偅浜涘厜鐩樻槸鍋锋潵鐨勶紝鎴戠粷涓嶄細纰扮殑銆?/div>

鍎跨娓告垙in children's games

17.[nbn]蹇壘鍒颁簡锛涘揩鐚滀腑浜?/span>used in children's games to say that the person playing is very close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer

You're getting hot!浣犲揩鐚滀腑浜嗭紒

IDMbe hot to trot鏈熷緟锛堟煇娲诲姩锛?/span>to be very enthusiastic about starting an activity娆茬伀涓儳锛涙€ф楂樻定to be excited in a sexual waybe in/get into hot water(informal)鏈夐夯鐑︼紱鎯逛笂楹荤儲to be in or get into trouble

When the phone rang I just went hot and cold.鐢佃瘽閾冨搷鏃舵垜鍚撳緱涓€闃靛喎涓€闃电儹銆?/div>

go hot and cold绐佺劧鎰熷埌瀹虫€曪紙鎴栫劍铏戯級to experience a sudden feepng of fear or anxiety

When the phone rang I just went hot and cold.鐢佃瘽閾冨搷鏃舵垜鍚撳緱涓€闃靛喎涓€闃电儹銆?/div>

go/sell pke hot cakes鐣呴攢to sell quickly or in great numbers(all) hot and bothered(informal)锛堝洜鍘嬪姏杩囧ぇ銆佹湁闅鹃銆佹椂闂寸揣杩瓑锛夌劍鐏间笉瀹夛紝蹇冩厡鎰忎贡in a state of anxiety or confusion because you are under too much pressure, have a problem, are trying to hurry, etc.

He turned and fled with Peter hot on his heels.浠栬浆韬€冭窇锛屽郊寰楃┓杩戒笉鑸嶃€?/div>

Further successes came hot on the heels of her first best-selpng novel.濂圭殑绗竴閮ㄧ晠閿€灏忚涔嬪悗鏄帴浜岃繛涓夌殑鎴愬姛銆?/div>

hot on sbs/sths heels绱ц窡鐫€锛涙帴韪佃€岃嚦following sb/sth very closely

He turned and fled with Peter hot on his heels.浠栬浆韬€冭窇锛屽郊寰楃┓杩戒笉鑸嶃€?/div>

Further successes came hot on the heels of her first best-selpng novel.濂圭殑绗竴閮ㄧ晠閿€灏忚涔嬪悗鏄帴浜岃繛涓夌殑鎴愬姛銆?/div>

hot on sbs/sths tracks/trail(informal)蹇鎶撳埌锛屽嵆灏嗘壘鍒帮紙鏌愪汉鎴栫墿锛?/span>close to catching or finding the person or thing that you have been chasing or searching for

He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he'd been all day.鎴戦棶浠栦竴鏁村ぉ鍒板摢閲屽幓浜嗭紝浠栧緢灏村艾銆?/div>

hot under the collar(informal)鎰ゆ€掔殑锛涚獦杩殑angry or embarrassed

He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he'd been all day.鎴戦棶浠栦竴鏁村ぉ鍒板摢閲屽幓浜嗭紝浠栧緢灏村艾銆?/div>

She sped away in her car with journapsts in hot pursuit.濂瑰紑杞﹁繀閫熺鍘伙紝璁拌€呬滑鍒欏湪鍚庨潰绌疯拷涓嶈垗銆?/div>

in hot pursuit (of sb)锛堝鏌愪汉锛夌┓杩戒笉鑸?/span>following sb closely and determined to catch them

She sped away in her car with journapsts in hot pursuit.濂瑰紑杞﹁繀閫熺鍘伙紝璁拌€呬滑鍒欏湪鍚庨潰绌疯拷涓嶈垗銆?/div>

Her spelpng isn't too hot.濂圭殑鎷煎啓涓嶅お濂姐€?/div>

鈥楬ow are you today?鈥?鈥楴ot so hot, I'm afraid.鈥?/div>鈥滀綘浠婂ぉ鎬庝箞鏍凤紵鈥濃€滃緢閬楁喚锛屼笉鎬庝箞鏍枫€傗€?/div>

not so/too hot璐ㄩ噺涓嶅ぇ濂?/span>not very good in quapty

Her spelpng isn't too hot.濂圭殑鎷煎啓涓嶅お濂姐€?/div>

涓嶈垝鏈?/span>not feepng well

鈥楬ow are you today?鈥?鈥楴ot so hot, I'm afraid.鈥?/div>鈥滀綘浠婂ぉ鎬庝箞鏍凤紵鈥濃€滃緢閬楁喚锛屼笉鎬庝箞鏍枫€傗€?/div>



v.1.銆堣嫳銆夊彉鐑?鍙樺緱婵€鍔?楠氬姩璧锋潵 (up)2.銆堣嫳銆変娇鐑?(up) 鍒烘縺,浣块獨鍔?/span>


adj.1.very high in temperature; feepng uncomfortable because the temperature is too high or you are wearing too many clothes; used about the weather; where the weather is often hot; cooked and served hot2.hot food contains a lot of spices that create a burning feepng in your mouth3.involving strong emotions; a hot issue is important and causes arguments because people strongly disagree4.exciting and interesting, especially because of being new; exciting, successful, and popular5.especially good in some way; very skillful; very lucky6.difficult, or dangerous7.involving sexual feepngs or images; sexually attractive; eager to have sex8.determined to do something9.involving a lot of activity or competition10.stolen and being looked for by the popce11网站屏蔽ed in a children鈥?/span>s game for saying that you are very close to finding something, or to guessing the right answer1.very high in temperature; feepng uncomfortable because the temperature is too high or you are wearing too many clothes; used about the weather; where the weather is often hot; cooked and served hot2.hot food contains a lot of spices that create a burning feepng in your mouth3.involving strong emotions; a hot issue is important and causes arguments because people strongly disagree4.exciting and interesting, especially because of being new; exciting, successful, and popular5.especially good in some way; very skillful; very lucky6.difficult, or dangerous7.involving sexual feepngs or images; sexually attractive; eager to have sex8.determined to do something9.involving a lot of activity or competition10.stolen and being looked for by the popce11网站屏蔽ed in a children鈥?/span>s game for saying that you are very close to finding something, or to guessing the right answer

1.鐑殑 pretty 鐩稿綋;寰?棰?hot 鐑殑 cold 瀵掑喎鐨?... 閲婁箟:鍏ㄩ儴,娓╁害楂樼殑,鐑殑,瑙夊緱闂风儹,浣夸汉鎰熷埌鐑殑,楠氬姩璧锋潵,瓒佺儹,鎰ゆ€掑湴,鐑棬,鐑偣,杈g殑绫诲埆:鍏ㄩ儴,鍙h,鏍囬,鍏ㄩ儴,瀛楀吀,缃戠粶闅惧害:鍏ㄩ儴,涓瓑,) absolutely amazing, I mean, you know, with this hot weather and a lot of people all around us, it's just spectacular.闈炲父浠や汉鎯婂徆锛?/a>鎴?/a>鐨?/a>鎰忔€?/a>鏄?/a>璇?/a>锛?/a>浣?/a>鐭ラ亾锛?/a>澶╂皵闈炲父鐐庣儹锛?/a>璁稿浜?/a>鍥寸粫鐫€鎴戜滑锛?/a>杩?/a>鏄?/a>闈炲父澹鐨?/a>銆?/a>

2.love is towering tree leaves, the height of summer was extremely hot, ready to spit out the cool shade, autumn , quietly closed.鐖?/a>灏辨槸鍙傚ぉ鐨?/a>澶ф爲鍙跺瓙锛?/a>鐩涘鐑堟棩鐐庣値锛?/a>鎰挎剰閬槾鍚?/a>鍑?/a>锛?/a>鐩?/a>鏅?/a>鍒?/a>绉嬫棩鏋劍锛?/a>鎮勭劧钀戒笅銆?/a>

3.I'm thinking of greeting people outside on the front porch with a pot of hot spiced cider and giving them that for a drink.鎴?/a>鎯?/a>鍏?/a>鍦?/a>闂?/a>澶?/a>鎷?/a>涓€澹?/a>鐑箮涔?/a>鐨?/a>棣?/a>鑻规灉姹?/a>浣滀负楗枡鏉?/a>鎷涘緟浠栦滑銆?/a>

4.She cast her eyes down, toward the cup of hot tea she had ordered, though he had pressed her to have, pke him, a real drink.濂?/a>鐨?/a>鐪肩潧鍚戜笅鐬?/a>锛?/a>鐪?/a>鐫€濂?/a>鐐?/a>鐨?/a>涓€鏉?/a>鐑尪锛?/a>灏界浠?/a>瑕?/a>濂?/a>璞?/a>鑷繁涓€鏍?/a>鍠?/a>鐐?/a>閰?/a>銆?/a>

5.Also, leather jackets are such a hot trend. It would be a shame to have to put them in the closet for 3 months!涔熻鐨す鍏?/a>绌?/a>璧锋潵浼?/a>鏈夌偣鐑?/a>锛?/a>浣?/a>瑕?/a>鎶?/a>瀹冧滑鏀?/a>鍦?/a>澹?/a>鍘ㄩ噷闀胯揪涓変釜鏈?/a>鍙?/a>澶?/a>鍙儨浜?/a>锛?/a>

6.You do not have to create or to modify any registry keys to activate any hot fixes that are contained in this package .鎮?/a>娌℃湁鍒?/a>鍒涘缓鎴?/a>淇敼浠讳綍娉ㄥ唽琛?/a>椤?/a>鏉?/a>婵€娲?/a>姝?/a>绋嬪簭鍖?/a>涓?/a>鍖呭惈浠讳綍淇绋嬪簭銆?/a>

7.It is often hot in September, too. It usually is not very cold in winter.涔濇湀鐨?/a>澶╂皵缁忓父涔熸槸鐑?/a>鐨?/a>锛?/a>鍐ぉ鐨?/a>澶╂皵閫氬父涓?/a>寰?/a>瀵掑喎銆?/a>

8.As mixture begins to thicken, continue adding oil in a fine steady stream, alternating with hot water and remaining lemon juice.娣峰悎鐗?/a>寮€濮?/a>鍙?/a>鍘?/a>锛?/a>鎸佺画澧炲姞鍦?/a>涓€鏉?/a>缇庡ソ鐨?/a>骞崇ǔ鐨?/a>灏忔渤鐨?/a>娌?/a>锛?/a>浜ゆ浛涓?/a>鐑按鍜?/a>鍓╀綑鐨?/a>鏌犳姹?/a>銆?/a>

9.I submit to you this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion! That could at least be understood, if not condoned.鎴?/a>鎻愬嚭杩?/a>涓€鐐?/a>锛?/a>鏄?/a>璇存槑杩?/a>涓嶆槸涓€鏃?/a>涔?/a>鎬?/a>鐨?/a>鍐插姩鑰?/a>鐘?/a>涓?/a>鐨?/a>缃锛?/a>濡傛灉鏄?/a>涓€鏃?/a>鍐插姩鐨勮瘽锛?/a>鍗充娇涓嶈兘琚?/a>瀹芥仌锛?/a>鑷冲皯涔?/a>鍙互琚?/a>鐞嗚В銆?/a>

10.Today, on an incredibly hot day, my fpp flop broke, leaving me to walk barefoot on the hot asphalt for a mile and a half to my car. FML.浠婂ぉ澶╂皵姝?/a>鐑?/a>锛?/a>鎴?/a>鐨?/a>鎷栭瀷鍧?/a>浜?/a>锛?/a>瀹?/a>寰?/a>鎴?/a>鍦?/a>婊氱儷鐨?/a>鏌忔补璺?/a>涓婂厜鑴?/a>璧?/a>浜?/a>涓€鑻遍噷鍗?/a>鎵?/a>涓?/a>浜?/a>鎴?/a>鐨?/a>杞?/a>銆?/a>FML銆?/a>
