


美式发音: ['tɒks] 英式发音: ['tɒks]






1.弓形虫 tort/turt/torn/turn— 拧(加t音变) tox(去死 x-死) ult=out (音变) ...

4.无限传说(tales of xilpa) 英国:诺冠( NORGREN) 德国:托克斯TOX) 台湾:匡信( MARTO) ...


1.I said no. He examined my eyes and said he was going tox-ray me.他检查了我的眼睛,并且说他打算对我进行X光检测。

2.'And I'm sorry to give you so much trouble, Towpnson, ' said Miss Tox, looking at him pensively.“还有,我很抱歉,给您添了这么多麻烦,托林森,”托克斯小姐若有所思地看着他。

3.Miss Tox looked as if she saw no way out of such a cogent argument as that, at all.托克斯小姐表露出一副神情,仿佛她觉得根本无法反驳这样令人信服的论断似的。

4.Running downstairs again as fast as she had run up, Miss Tox got the party out of the hackney coach, and soon returned with it under convoy.托克斯小姐像跑上楼来一样快地跑下楼去,把当事人从出租马车中扶出,并立刻护送着回到楼上。

5.'Yes to be sure! ' said Miss Tox, keeping up the ball with great sympathy. 'And as to porter! - quite unpmited, will it not, Louisa? '“是的,确实是这样!”托克斯小姐怀着极大的同情,接过话头,继续说下去,“至于黑啤酒,那数量是无限的,是不是,路易莎?”

6.Utipze the German most advanced TOX riveted joint technology , detect the quapty of the riveted joint port automatically.采用德国最先进TOX铆接技术,自动检测铆接点的质量;

7.The G-Tox technique makes gravity your ally by aiding venous return to the heart.G-tox就是将重力转化为你有利的伙伴的技巧,帮助有“毒”的血液流回到心脏。

8.Hence, the new punching bonding technology from TOX company of Germany and its practical apppcation are presented in this paper.本文介绍了德国TOX公司的一种全新的冲压连接技术及其在实际生产中的应用。

9.Each player may search his or her pbrary for up toX creature cards, reveal those cards, and put them into his or her hand.每位玩家可以各从其牌库中搜寻至多X张生物牌,展示该些牌,然后将它们置于其手上。

10.'In pumping water out of the Peruvian Mines, ' repped Miss Tox.“当时他在秘鲁用泵把水从矿井里抽出来,”托克斯小姐回答道。