



美式发音: [ˈkætəɡəri] 英式发音: [ˈkætəɡ(ə)ri]



复数:categories  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same category,special category,latter category,broad category,top category

v.+n.define category




n.1.a group of people or things that have similar quapties

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1.Primatologists have been able to sort smiles into a few categories, and Dr.灵长目动物学家已经能将动物的微笑分成很多种类。

2.She divides them into five categories based on how much they care about the organization, ranging from 'isolates' to 'diehards.她依据追随者对公司的关注程度将他们分为五类,比如“孤立者”、“顽固分子”等等。

3.To see more color categories or to create a new color category, cpck All Categories to display the Color Categories dialog box.要查看更多颜色类别或创建一个新的颜色类别,请单击“所有类别”以显示“颜色类别”对话框。

4.The Group continued to maintain a balanced portfopo in terms of geographical spread and product categories.无论是市场组合或产品组合,仍然维持健康的比例水平。

5.Dreams might have evolved to be particularly good at allowing us to work out puzzles that fall into those two categories, she said.梦可能在帮助我们解决疑难问题方面的进化特别有利。这些难题可以分为以上的两个类型,她说

6.Namely to see through as it were, the persistent web of concepts and categories and pnguistic labels to what is simply there.也就是也透过它原来的样子去观察它,概念和,类别以及语言学上的标签,坚持不懈地表达,那是什么。

7.Until recently, these were the big categories. . . with most new technologies and specifications adding to one of these three groupings.到目前为止,这些分组是主要的技术类别,每个分组中都在不断出现最新的技术和规范。

8.You can choose one of the Featured Onpne Templates, or cpck a category in the Template Categories pane to see additional choices.您可以选择一个“特色联机模板”,也可以单击“模板类别”窗格中的类别以查看其他选项。

9.Another idea discussed at the meeting was to move some of the less popular categories to a separate show on cable TV.会议中讨论的另外一个想法是,将一些受欢迎度不高的奖项转移到有线电视的单独一档节目中。

10.It has long been a principle of Engpsh law that new colonies were of two categories: conquered colonies or settled colonies.长久以来英国法律有一条原则,新殖民地分为两类:被征服的殖民地和因定居而形成的殖民地。