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1.玛乔丽 Marina 马丽娜 拉丁 属于海洋的 Marjorie 玛乔丽 法国 珍珠 Martha 马莎 阿拉姆 家庭主妇 ...

2.玛乔丽……珍珠 Marina 马丽娜……属于海洋的 Marjorie 玛乔丽……珍珠 Myrna 蜜尔娜……彬彬有礼 ...

3.马乔里 Elaine 伊莱恩(女子名) Marjorie 马乔里(女子名) Carrie 卡丽(女子名) ...

4.玛乔莉 Marguerite 玛格丽特希腊珍珠。 Marjorie 玛乔丽法国珍珠。 Martina 玛蒂娜拉丁战神。 ...

6.玛乔里  玛乔里Marjorie)是一家出版公司的生产经理,她回家之后就会打开电视机,然后做家务活。雷(Ray)是位出版公司的设计 …

7.杨敏德身为杨氏女儿的杨敏德Marjorie),外孙女潘楚颖(Dee Dee)均盛装出席,她们更上台献唱生日歌给寿星公,场面温馨愉快 …


1.He had his will drawn up; he bought two adjoining plots in a cemetery, one for himself and one for Marjorie; he gave away family heirlooms.他拟定了一纸遗嘱;他在墓地购买了两块毗邻的土地,一块给他自己,一块给马约莉;他送出了家族的传家宝。

2.Editor's Note: A month after Marjorie wrote this, her oncologist concluded that there was no further treatment to recommend.编者注:马乔里写下这些文字一个月后,她的肿瘤学家宣布不需要再推荐更深入的治疗了。

3.Back in London, with the Marjorie Ferrar affair almost forgotten, Fleur was eager for activity.弗勒回到伦敦后,差不多已经忘记了马乔里·弗拉尔事件。

4.Then Rosenberg told his son a secret: for more than a year, he and Marjorie had been having an affair.后来罗森博格告诉了儿子一个秘密:一年多来,他一直与马约莉有染。

5.They had planned to marry, but had not wanted to disclose their relationship until Marjorie got a divorce.他们计划结婚,不过打算等马约莉离婚之后再公布他们的关系。

6.with her father for interfering, but she criticized Marjorie for creating an unpleasant scene. Marjorie demanded an apology.弗勒对父亲的好管闲事很不耐烦,但也批评马乔里无事生非。马乔里要求对方赔礼道歉。

7.Harvard Engpsh professor Marjorie Garber is perhaps best known for her work on Shakespeare.哈佛大学英文教授MarjorieGarber最负盛名的可能是她关于莎士比亚的作品。

8.marjorie , you got to help me . wilbur ' s a wreck.玛翠,你一定要帮助我。韦伯受到很大打击。

9.Central to it was not so much the baby's fate as Marjorie's loss which she experienced as her own.她最感到痛苦的还不仅仅是小宝宝的命运,而是玛乔丽的丧子之痛,她将这当成了自己的损失。

10.Marjorie Kaplan, who has steered Animal Planet in this direction, says the "hands-on-hips" documentary presenter is out of style.一直负责《动物星球》这方面的MarjorieKaplan说“两手叉腰”的纪录片主持人过时了。