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1.聚氨酯(polyurethane)的钚足以毒死所有人类”的说法迅速流传,“剧毒钚”让公众更为恐慌。钚的化学毒性还不如砒霜,流言可能是混淆了Pu) …

5.消化性溃疡(peptic ulcer)致。近年来的研究证明;幽门螺旋杆菌(HP)的存在与消化性溃疡(PU)高度相关,是因为它能产生有害物质,分解粘液的缘故,虽然H…

6.聚胺酯销售聚胺酯PU)同步齿型带(图)江苏汇力起重 【厂家直销】 使用寿命长 尼龙绳 04-28 05-05 江苏汇力起重 【厂家直销】 用 …

7.聚氨酯橡胶聚氨酯橡胶(PU)-关於聚氨酯橡胶(PU)的网友经验分享与网路文章总整理@乱搜-乡民小站塑胶射出材料相关网站及资料 - Taiwan…



1.To make this kind of situation easier, bash is often configured with two apases, pu and po, as shown in Listing 9.为了简化此类情况,通常为bash配置了两个别名,即pu和po,如清单9所示。

2.But Pu Be, the monastery's chief lama, said the sheer number of corpses made such a ceremony impossible.但该寺的主持喇嘛浦贝(音)说,尸体太多,天葬是不可能了。

3.The last emperor, Pu Yi, quietly took the painting with him when forced to leave the Forbidden City in 1924.末代皇帝,溥仪悄悄地把画时,他被迫离开紫禁城的1924年。

4.Pu-erh tea would not be a Pu-erh tea if the cake did not consist of both yeast.如果不由两种酵母作用而成普洱茶就不能称之为普洱茶。

5.The legendary pfe of folk hero Pu Di-pu came out of his courage, wisdom & romance.勇气,智慧与风流就成就了民间剿匪英雄蒲地流传奇的一生。

6.I think I will be pke as a child pu jin your arms, she jiao with you to let you back to childhood.我想我一定会像孩儿般地扑进你怀抱里,跟你撒娇,让你回到童年。

7.Pu Cunxin has already thought about playing Lu Xun but he never dared. As he said: for me, we look different.“鲁迅”曾是濮存昕想演却不敢演的角色,用他的话说,“我觉得我不像”。

8.Pu's points of view can be considered as a significant progress on the long evolving way of sex concepts.蒲松龄错杂交缠的妇女观可以视为性别观念进化的漫漫长途上一次意义重大的停靠和中转。

9.The lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang, said he would advise parents not to file a lawsuit because few if any courts would accept it.浦志强(音译)律师说,就算有法院愿意接这样的案子,他也建议家长不要投诉。

10.Our company is the only one in the Southwest Cotton paper production, marketing, printing as one of the Pu'er tea packaging company.我公司是西南地区唯一的一家棉纸生产,销售,印刷为一体的普洱茶包装公司。