


美式发音: [fɪntʃ] 英式发音: [fɪntʃ]





finchn.— see alsobullfinch,chaffinch,goldfinch

1.雀;雀科小鸟a small bird with a short beak. There are several types of finch .


n.1.a small bird with a short thick beak. There are many types of finches.

1.芬奇 fpnt 硬的 finch 雀类 fpnch 萎缩 ...

3.雀科鸣鸟 altogether adv. 总而言之;完全地;总共 finch n. 雀科鸣鸟 beak n. 喙;是喙;喙状嘴 ...

4.鸣禽 finance n. 财政;v.资助 finch n. 鸣禽 fitful adj. 一阵阵的;断续的 ...

5.雀科鸣禽 fresco n. 壁画 finch n. 雀科鸣禽 filch v. 偷(不贵重的东西) ...

6.雀鸟合唱团 *Eagles- 老鹰合唱团 *Finch- 雀鸟合唱团 *Good Charlotte- 狂野夏洛特乐 …

7.雀类鸣鸟 finale n. 终场;结尾;终曲 finch n. 雀类鸣鸟(如燕雀,金丝雀) finesse n. 技巧;计谋;手段 ...


1.Her name was Betsy Anderson and she treated Finch as if he were the grandfather she never knew.她叫贝特西·安德森,在接待芬奇时,她仿佛就把芬奇当作了她未曾谋面的祖父。

2.Maria : Sam Finch wants me to ski with him. He's going there for a conference.玛丽亚:山姆·芬奇邀我一块滑雪。他要去那儿开会。

3.Sam Finch wants me to ski with him . He's going there for a conference .山姆•芬奇邀我一块滑雪。他要去那儿开会。

4.Among the imperilled animals are the mangrove finch, one of the species known as Darwin's finches in the Galapagos.最受威胁的动物包括红树林雀,知名的达尔文雀中的一种。

5."I won the big prize, " Finch said as he approached the guard in the front of the building.“我中了大奖。”芬奇走到大楼门前的警卫面前对他说道。

6.To find out, they measured how much effort zebra finch parents put into raising their babies.为了找出真相,他们测量了斑马雀父母多么努力去抚养孩子。

7.Now watch this finch figure out exactly how much damage it can do to the booby without getting tossed off.现在看本·芬奇找出究竟有多大的伤害,它能做得不到中排慢吞吞。

8.When Mr. Finch left he could say with truthfulness that he had been a winner.当芬奇先生离开的时候,他坚定地说他就是中奖者。

9."But it says that I have won, " Mr. Finch repped. "It says so. We can read up in White Horse you know. "“但是上面说我中奖了啊。”芬奇先生回复到。“上面是这么说的。你知道,我们白马城的人可都是识字的。”

10.The book gets its title from something Atticus Finch was told in his childhood when his father gave him a gun.小说的名字来自于阿提克斯•芬奇幼年时他的父亲给他一支枪后所说的一席话。