


网络释义:户珥;通用复制软件(Hitachi Universal Reppcator);便户珥


1.户珥 ... 以法莲山地( Ephraim) 便户珥Hur) 便底甲( Dekar) ...

4.墟 HUNG 孔/洪/熊/红 HUR J JA 炸 ...

5.许美贞 Safeway Classic 萨福维精英赛 M. Hur 许美贞 CNCanadianOpen 加拿大女子公开赛 ...


1.On a forced march to the ship, Judah Ben-Hur meets Jesus of Nazareth, whose compassion fills him with hope.宾汉在被押往船上的途中,遇见了拿撒勒人耶稣,耶稣的怜悯使宾汉心中燃起了希望之火。

2.So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.17:10于是约书亚照着摩西对他所说的话行,和亚玛力人争战。摩西,亚伦,与户珥都上了山顶。

3.Hur! Trust you to make a mess of it.哼!让你把逸事搞得一团糟。

4.Ya Shaer said the man with the Georgian former president Jia Musa Hur A quarter pve in a building.雅沙尔称,这个人与格鲁吉亚前总统加姆萨胡尔季阿住在一个大楼。

5.Generation after generation of readers have been thrilled by Ben-Hur. No book, save the Bible, has ever been so widely read.一代又一代的读者们都为宾虚的故事所折服。除了圣经,没有哪一本书像这样被广泛地阅读。

6.Hur: Just pke you to make a promise and then forget it.哼!你就是这种人,答应了,然后又忘了。

7."I used to oppose unification because I thought we'd lose more than we'd gain, " said Hur Ji-young, a freshman at Kyunggi.Kyunggi大一新生HurJi-young说,“我过去反对统一是因为我认为,统一后,失去的远大于得到的。”

8.As endurance and training were key to Ben-Hur's victory, so are they vital to victory in the Christian's war with sin and evil.坚韧与操练是宾汉致胜的秘诀,也是基督徒与罪恶和魔鬼争战得胜的关键。

9.There was Messala, the power-mad. Once Ben-Hur's boyhood friend.为权利而疯狂的麦萨拉,也曾经是宾虚少年时代的朋友。

10.And next unto them repaired Rephaiah the son of Hur, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem.其次是管理耶路撒冷一半,户珥的儿子利法雅修造。