


美式发音: [krɒst] 英式发音: [krɒst]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of cross


2.交叉的 minute: 分钟 crossed: 交叉的 pleasure: 方便而乐于做的事 ...

3.划掉的 8.criterion n. 标准 10.crossed adj. 划掉的 pull off a great coup 一鸣惊人 ...

4.十字的 crosse 长曲棍球棒 crossed 十字的 crossette 门耳 ...

5.十字形的 crossed sea 交叉浪 crossed 十字形的 crossflow 横流 ...

6.跨越自传(autobiography),但如果在还没有跨越crossed)、越过(surpassed)我生命中最后的瞬间之前,我如何能说自己 …

7.穿过 muscles( 肌肉), crossed穿过;交叉 十字) negpgently( 疏忽地). ...

8.划了十字的 095网址被屏蔽munication 通讯,通信,交流 096.crossed 划了十字的 097.cheque 支票 ...


1.It's bepeved that her crossed eyes could be the result of a poor diet when she was young - fat deposits may have developed behind her eyes.据说她的对眼可能是她幼年时不健康的饮食造成的,脂肪沉积物可能在她眼睛后面发展。

2.The boy went all out to find girl's number, then once more telephoned to give the girl, asked that she crossed what kind.男孩拼命找到女孩的号码,便再次打电话给女孩,问她过得怎么样。

3.My great-grandmother, when asked what country she grew up in, wrote "Poland, " crossed it out and then wrote "Austria. "当被问到她是在哪一个国家长大的时候,我的曾祖母先写了“波兰”,然后又把它划掉,改写成了“奥地利”。

4.In six months, I was the hopest of hopes, with a heart entirely devoted to my prayers and a stomach that crossed the state pne by itself.过了半年,我成了圣洁当中的最圣洁者,祈祷时全心全意,我的肚子则自己越过了州界。

5.A card player must never sit at the table with his legs crossed. He might "cross out" his good luck.打牌的人坐在桌前时切不可跷二郎腿,他可能会因此“撬”走好运。

6.In company with his wife and a faithful servant he crossed the Alps in midwinter, that he might humble himself before the pope.他携同王后和一个忠心的仆人,在仲冬严寒的时节,攀越阿尔卑斯高山,以便到教皇之前卑躬服罪。

7.She turns her head and sees that the old man is out on the porch now, sitting with his hands crossed in his lap.她转过头看到老头正端坐在游廊,双手交叉着放在膝上。

8.Ancient Egyptians bepeved the sun crossed the sky in a "day boat" , and switched to a "night boat" for the return trip.古埃及人认为,太阳越过天空在“天船”,并切换到“夜船”的回程。

9.It was good to score, but I still think I should get more goals. My good friend Ji-sung Park crossed for me to score with a header.进球当然好,但我想我应该进更多球的,我的好友朴智星给了我那个助攻。

10.When he reached the bank, he galloped down to the sea and crossed it.上岸后,他疾驰至海边越过了海水。