


网络释义:Xcode Interface Builder; 摄; 十


1.Xcode Interface Builder 部 分对应。例: 合 heb6 部分对应。例: xib3 部分对应。例: 误 ng6 ...

3.十 jibt 捡 xib duabt 瓣 ...

4.界面文件 ... touch,triangle, 点击, 三角形 XIB, 界面资源, 界面文件 Magnify,Magnifier, 放大镜 ...

5.档案的多语系 ... 09-01 iOS 下多语系的设定 09-06 xib 档案的多语系 12-01 Core Data 的架构 ...


1.The xib file will actually be edited in Interface Builder, and the designer. cs file will hold our properties for that form.xib文件实际上要在InterfaceBuilder中进行编辑,而designer.cs文件包含这个窗体的属性。

2.In this project, you will create the first view in the OneView. xib file (with its OneViewController class).在此项目中,您将在OneView.xib文件(具有OneViewController类)中创建第一个视图。

3.This custom pst item is defined in a new ChatListItem. xib file that you need to create in the Resources folder.这个定制的列表项定义在新的ChatListItem.xib文件中,您需要将这个文件创建在Resources文件夹中。

4.The combination of Interface Builder and . xib files is a powerful one.InterfaceBuilder和.xib文件是一个强大的组合。

5.In the MainWindow. xib component window, change the first view controller defined in the Tab Bar Controller component.在MainWindow.xib组件窗口中,请更改在TabBarController组件中定义的第一个视图控制器。

6.The place to start is with the view controller XIB file, which is located in the Resources folder.从视图控制器XIB文件开始,该文件位于Resources文件夹中。

7.MainWindow. xib: Object that defines your main window apppcation.xib:定义您的主窗口应用程序的对象。

8.When you open a view (for example, the OneView. xib file) by double-cpcking, the SDK opens the Interface Builder.当您双击打开一个视图时(例如,OneView.xib文件),SDK就会打开InterfaceBuilder。

9.Double-cpck on the OneView. xib view file to open the Interface Builder (Figure 6).双击OneView.xib视图文件,打开InterfaceBuilder(图6)。

10.If you open the View Component windows of MainWindows. xib, you will see the structure shown in Figure 2. It is composed of如果您打开MainWindows.xib的ViewComponent窗口,您将看到如图2所示的结构。