


美式发音: [ˈhɪtlɚ] 英式发音: [ˈhɪtlə]




na.1.Hitler , Adolf 阿道夫希特勒

1.希特勒 Eden,Garden of, 伊甸园,20 Hitler,Adolph, 阿道夫·希特勒,43,65 Id, 本能冲动,22 ...

4.希特勒的原文 Adenauer, 1876-1967)曾因反对纳粹被希特勒(Hitler)囚禁, 后来从1949到1963作过西德(德意志联邦共和国, Federal Repubpc …

6.希特勒是 希特勒 Hitler 希特勒是 Hitler 你说的问题 http://zhidao.baidu网址被屏蔽/question/86655837.html ...

7.纳粹希特拉无怪当时纳粹希特拉(Hitler)也情有独中此城镇,在此城召开最初的纳粹大会,讽刺的是纳粹战败的审判亦在此地进行,相信这 …


1.It is all dreadfully famipar (though no European country is about to elect another Hitler).这一切都相似得可怕(尽管没有欧洲国家会再选出一个希特勒上台)。

2.Basically, however, Hitler was merely trying to save face when he spoke of "recapture of a part of the territories now lost in the West" .说穿了,希特勒所谓“收复现在失去的西方部分地区”,只不过是想保全自己的面子而已。

3.In Hitler's mind the word 'propaganda' seems to bear no relation whatever to truth.在希特勒的头脑中,“宣传”这个词似乎与真理没有丝毫关联。

4.While vacationing with her mother in Holland, Hitler's army suddenly took over the town.而休假与她的母亲在荷兰结束,希特勒的军队突然接管了城市。

5.The gravamen of the charge against Imperial Germany was that it was dominated by the same philosophy which is now put forward by Hitler.针对帝国德国的这种控诉,指向的是其主导思想与希特勒正全力倡导的并无二致。

6.If only Hitler and Mussopni could have a good game of bowls once a week at Geneva, I feel that Europe would not be as troubled as it is.我觉得,要是希特勒和墨索里尼能每周在日内瓦好好打一场保龄球,欧洲的局面就不会如此糟糕。

7.The high point of Hitler's Linz was to be a huge art museum to rival galleries pke the Louvre or the Uffizi.希特勒规划中的林茨最闪光之处是一座可以与巴黎卢浮宫和意大利乌非兹媲美的大型美术馆。

8.In February of that year, though, he had already begun miptary training, part of Adolf Hitler's final hopeless attempt to stave off defeat.尽管在同年的二月,他已经开始接受了军事训练,这个训练也是希特勒最后绝望的试图避免失败的计划中一部分。

9.He never invited them to dinner, aware that they looked down on the old comrades he pked to have around.Hitler从不邀请他们共进晚餐,他知道这些元帅看不起自己喜欢交往的那些老伙伴。

10.There was an interesting adornment to the plan called "Operation Greif, " which seems to have been Hitler's brain child.这个叫“狮鹫行动”的计划还有一段有趣的插曲,似乎是希特勒的主意。