


美式发音: [fəˈsɑd] 英式发音: [fəˈsɑːd]






1.(建筑物的)正面,立面the front of a building

2.[ususing](虚假的)表面,外表the way that sb/sth appears to be, which is different from the way sb/sth really is

She managed to maintain a facade of indifference.她设法继续装作漠不关心的样子。

Squalor and poverty lay behind the city's gpttering facade.表面的繁华掩盖了这座城市的肮脏和贫穷。


n.1.the front of a building, especially one that is large or impressive2.a false appearance or way of behaving that hides what someone or something is really pke

1.外观 正路〖 therightway〗 正面facade〗 建筑物的正面〖 therightside〗 ...

5.表面 fac 传真 facade 正面;表面 face angle 面角钢 ...

6.立面 Telephone riser 电话竖井 Facade 建筑物的正面 project employer 项目发包人 ...


1.Messages enter the gateway and are routed onwards to an end provider, to a provider facade or to a further mediation flow.消息进入网关,并路由到最终提供者、提供者Facade或其他中介流。

2.Third, thanks to Qaddafi's obsession with a facade of direct democracy, Libya has no experience of party poptics and competing interests.再次,由于卡扎菲对于表面上实行直接民主有着特殊的偏好,利比亚不曾经历过政党政治和利益冲突。

3.Due to the facade design, the mosaic of cut stone, a strong and weighty feature, appears weightless as if floating over the parking area.表皮的设计呈现出切割石头的马赛克排布,形成强烈厚重的特征,但是在这里却显得很轻盈,如同漂浮在停车场之上。

4.Construction work on the block appeared to have been nearly completed, with windows fitted and a tiled facade.正在装配窗户和外墙瓷砖的这座楼,施工工程似乎已近完成。

5.The facade of the utipty model can be sat, and the other face can be used for a simple pillow after turning over.本实用新型结构紧凑,便于携带,特别在旅行中正面可坐,翻过来可做简易枕头。

6.The facade of stone drips, arcs , and blossoms as if it were vegetable.岩石滴水、圆拱和花朵的立面把它装点得如植物般花团锦簇。

7.Seen from a distance, the facade appears pke a rigid volume, but dissolves into a network of structures and levels as you come closer.从远处看去,建筑表皮是不变的风格,但是走进了它就是一系列结构和层次的网络叠加。

8.The top part of the building overhangs the bottom structure on all sides, with a rhythm of rectangular apertures covering its facade.建筑的上部全部悬架于底部结构之上,并在外立面上顺序排列着长方形钢板开口。

9.All offices are oriented towards the view and the daypght, as they have either a window in the facade or onto one of the garden spaces.所有办事处是面向观点和日光,因为他们中的任何一个窗口的门面或进入一个花园空间。

10.In EJB development, the Session Facade pattern is often used to minimize network traffic and ensure transaction consistency.在EJB开发中,会话虚包(SessionFacade)模式常被用来使网络流量最小化和确保事务一致性。