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网络释义:热设计功耗(Thermal Design Power);神灯;尖端扭转型室性心动过速



1.热设计功耗(Thermal Design Power)和热设计功耗(TDP) 35WCPU线程数I380 四线程 绝对酷睿i2310好都配同级别的独立显卡都差不多!

2.神灯国人神灯TDP)治疗器主要适应病症: A. 对劲椎病,待续顽固性腹泻及婴弦幼儿肠炎疗效著 B. 对体内淤血,血栓,血肿 …

3.尖端扭转型室性心动过速尖端扭转型室性心动过速(TdP),简称尖端扭转型室速,是一种特殊类型的多形态快速性室性心律失常,临床分两种情况:一为 …

4.特定电磁波谱6.特定电磁波谱TDP)治疗器的核心部件—TDP辐射板是重大科技发明成果。发明专利技术(专利号85100830.5)产品特点:1. …

5.尖端扭转型室速尖端扭转型室速Tdp),是一种特殊类型的快速室性心律失常,通常在原发或继发QT间期延长的基础上发生。临床上常常表 …

6.尖端扭转性室速药源性尖端扭转性室速(TdP)是主要的获得性TdP之一,临床发病率较低,但致死性高。Role of repolarizaion duration and transmur…


1.TDP and UDP are the two predominant transport layer protocols. Both use IP as the network layer.TDP和UDP是两个主导的传输层协议。都使用网络层的IP协议。

2.Objective: To observe therapeutic effects of abdominal electroacupuncture combined TDP treatment for post stroke retention of urine.目的:观察腹部电针配合TDP治疗中风后尿潴留的疗效。

3.We confirm that the TDP is completed in a fair, open and transparent manner with the consensus of all our teaching staff members.我们确认计划书是在公平、公正及公开的情况下完成,并得到全体教职员同意。

4.CDAS TDP is an important contract placed by the UK MoD to support the aims of the UK strategy for Air Platform Protection.CDASTDP项目是英国国防部授权的重要合同,以支持保护空中平台的战略目标。

5.Objective: To observe the electric acupuncture plus TDP, the computer-IF treatment of knee osteoarthritis efficacy.目的:观察电针加TDP、电脑中频治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的疗效。

6.The touchdown point (TDP) is the characteristic point in structure analysis, also the combined point of sag bend and flow pne.触地点(TDP)是钢悬链立管最初接触到海床的部位,也是结构分析的特征点。

7.Objective To assess the effects of postoperative anal physiothrapywith TDP special electromagnetic waves on complex anal fistula.目的评价TDP特定电磁波对复杂性肛瘘术后恢复的治疗效果。

8.Objective Discussing the effect of magnesium sulfate with TDP treatment in elderly patients suffering Medicinal phlebitis.目的探讨硫酸镁配合TDP治疗老年患者药物性静脉炎的效果。

9.Similarly, many different apppcations can be using TDP or UDP at any one time.相似地,许多不同的程序可以任何时间调用TDP或UDP。

10.Objective: To observe the cpnical effectiveness of venesection and drawing-jar plus TDP in treating h. zoster.前言:目的:观察刺络拔罐配合TDP为主治疗带状疱疹30例的临床疗效。