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1.休 Hudson 赫德森 Hugh Hughes 休斯; 休士 ...

2.修 Noel, 诺尔, 拉丁, 生日;耶诞节。 Hugh, 德国, 理性;智力;灵魂。 Humphrey, 韩弗理 条顿, …

3.绕特 Horace 活利达(时间之神) Hugh 绕特(灿烂夺目) Earl 依伦(贵族之首) ...

4.阿修 ... 本的木方案如下 The wood program are as follows 休方式 Hugh 研磨颗粒 Abrasive particles ...

6.修德国理性 Howar 好尔德条顿看守者 Hugh 修德国理性;智力 Hyman 海曼希伯来生命 ...

7.智力 Hubery 法国 人格光明 Hugh 德国 理性;智力 Humphrey 条顿 和平支持者 ...

8.头脑 Hale 男 英雄一样的荣耀 Hugh头脑 Ingram 男 指大鸟之子 ...


1.Before Mr. Livingston died, his friends Hugh Crawford and Betsy Reid promised they would not let the project die with him.在Livingston先生去世之前,他的朋友休·克劳福和贝特西·里德允诺他们不会让这些照片随他而去。

2.But Hugh Robertson, the new Sports Minister, said he hoped Lord Triesman's swift departure would be a mitigating factor.但是英国的新任体育部长休罗伯森表示,他希望特里斯曼在事件曝光后立即辞职能为英格兰挽回一些声誉。

3.Hugh Rodham was a gruff, tough-talking Repubpcan who, to say the least, was suspicious of me.休.罗德姆是一个态度生硬、言辞犀利的共和党人,最起码他对我不信任。

4."If you're interested in food safety and you want answers quickly, " says Hugh Martin, Pacific's CEO, "this technology is going to be key. "“如果你有兴趣了解食品安全并想知道答案,这会很快,”太平洋的首席执行官马丁休说,“这项技术将是关键。”

5.One of the members of our party was a native of Chengdu, and of the five Americans, everyone but Hugh and I spoke Mandarin.咱们成员中有位成都本地人,五位美国人,他们都说普通话,就我和修两个人不会。

6."Japan could be a world leader if it wanted to be, " says Mike Hugh, chief executive of Asia Cleantech Gateway, a consultancy.“日本如果下定决心,有望成为世界领先者。”咨询公司AsiaCleantechGateway的首席执行官迈克•休(MikeHugh)表示。

7.At this point Greene changes tack as he considers Hugh Everett III's Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.这个时候,Greene考虑到HughEverettIII的《量子力学的多重世界解读》,于是他改变了策略。

8.Since then the yellow door is often sided bow breathless, Hugh mu can't return palace province.自此诸黄门常侍皆鞠躬屏气,休沐不敢复出宫省。

9.There was a time when female movie stars who felt they were being ignored by the industry took off their clothes for Hugh Hefner's magazine.有一段时间当女影星感到被这个庞大的电影工业忽略的时候就会在休·海夫曼的杂志上脱掉衣服。

10.This discourages the sort of small-scale, independent projects often associated with green energy, says Mr Hugh of Asia Cleantech Gateway.迈克•休表示,这种状况阻碍了通常与绿色能源相关的小型独立项目的发展。