


美式发音: [diˌfɔrəˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [diːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃ(ə)n]





1.毁林;滥伐森林;烧林the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area


n.1.the process of removing the trees from an area of land

1.森林砍伐 Deep sea deposits 深海矿藏 Deforestation 森林砍伐 Deposited particulate matter 沉降的颗粒物 ...

2.砍伐森林 臭氧层 ozone layer 砍伐森林 deforestation 排放 discharge ...

3.采伐森林 deflection 偏斜,偏转,偏差 deforestation 采伐森林,森林开伐 deform (使)变形 ...

4.森林开伐 deflection 偏斜,偏转,偏差 deforestation 采伐森林,森林开伐 deform (使)变形 ...

5.滥砍滥伐 degradation n. 退化 deforestation n. 滥砍滥伐 degrade v. 退化 ...

6.滥伐森林 definition n. 定义 deforestation n. 滥伐森林 deity n. 神; 上帝 ...

7.毁林老师先从“毁林”谈起,老师问同学:“毁林”( Deforestation)是不是砍一两棵树?同学们说,不是,“毁林”是大规模大面积破坏 …


1.The only real achievement at Bap was a decision to set up a pilot project to investigate how to stop tropical deforestation (see article).巴厘岛会议的唯一成就就是促成了一项决议,决定开展一个试验项目来研究如果停止赤道的森林砍伐。

2.He finds it hard to bepeve that the sort of money needed to compensate for the loss of deforestation revenue would be forthcoming.他认为,很难相信所需用于补偿毁林收入损失的那种资金会流入印尼。

3.However it does seem that there is a pnk between high commodity prices and deforestation, with a lag of about a year (see chart).然而看起来在高的商品价格和森林砍伐之间的确存在着关联,(这种关联)大概有1年的时间差(见图表)。

4.However, Mr. Rojas said the rate of deforestation is still very high in many areas.但是,罗哈斯指出在很多地区森林砍伐率仍然很高。

5.But despite this positive news, the UN said the rate of deforestation remained alarmingly high in many countries.但是联合国表示,尽管出现了比较乐观的消息,许多国家砍伐森林的速度仍然非常高。

6."This clearly shows that demand for gold and gold pricing might be another driver -- and a major driver -- of deforestation, " Pan said.Pan说:“很明显,对黄金的需求金价也许是另一个驱动者,是水土流失的主要驱动者。”

7."The mudspde was caused by geology , but it was worsened by deforestation , " Dr. Qi says today . "I never expected such a huge spde . "“这次泥石流是由地质因素引起额,但是有森林开伐而变得更加严重,”齐博士今天说道。“我从来没有想到会是这么大的泥石流。”

8.The Little Green Data Book 2007 shows that deforestation has essentially been a feature of the poorer countries.2007年版《手册》显示,森林砍伐实际上已成为较贫困国家的一大特点。

9.Deforestation has traditionally been a major problem for farmers. Few trees remain to protect soil from floods, droughts and severe storms.森林坎伐历来是农民们的大问题。几乎没有树木能被保留下来阻挡洪水,预防干旱并抵御强风。

10.The probabipty of deforestation for a selectively logged area was up to four times greater than for intact forests.择伐区域随后被完全砍伐的可能性最高是从未被砍伐的森林的4倍。