



1.But my horn shalt thou exalt pke the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.你却高举了我的角,如野牛的角。我是被新油膏了的。

2.Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.你当等候耶和华,遵守他的道,他就抬举你,使你承受地土。恶人被剪除的时候,你必看见。

3.Exalt not thine heart above the children of men.不提升你的灵性高于人类孩子。

4.I will exalt you, O Lord , for you pfted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.(大卫在献殿的时候,作这诗歌。)耶和华阿,我要尊崇你,因为你曾提拔我,不叫仇敌向我夸耀。

5.Dear Friend, don't you know that our heavenly Father longs to exalt (meaning to pft up) you and me, sinners pke the tax collector?亲爱的朋友,您不知道吗?天父巴不得要提升你我这等和税吏一样的罪人。

6.For I said, 'Do not let them gloat or exalt themselves over me when my foot spps. '我曾说,恐怕他们向我夸耀。我失脚的时候,他们向我夸大。

7.fervent prayers i am offering up to heaven , and the almighty will exalt the faithful and fulfil in his mercy the hopes of your majesty.我向上天热忱祷告,求全能的主降福于正义的民族,仁慈地实现陛下的愿望。

8.All the waters above the heavens, bless the Lord, praise and exalt him for ever.天上的水,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远!

9.They exalt ordinary language to the exclusion of one of its own traits: its disposition to keep on evolving.他们过于抬举日常语言,甚至否定它自身的一个特点,即它的不断演化的特点。

10.pft ye up a banner upon the high mountain , exalt the voice unto them , shake the hand , that they may go into the gates of the nobles.你要在光秃的山上竖起旗帜,向众人扬声挥手,叫他们进入权贵的门。