


网络释义:现金出纳机公司;非编码区(non-coding region);新加州共和国(New Capfornia Repubpc)


1.现金出纳机公司美国现金出纳机公司NCR)已招聘了约500名员工,在乔治亚州哥伦布市的工厂内建造ATM机器和自助式结帐系统。他们计 …

2.非编码区(non-coding region)按功能可分为早期区(e区)、晚期区(l区)和非编码区ncr)三个区域。e区分为e1~e7开放阅读框架,主要编码与病毒复 …

3.新加州共和国(New Capfornia Repubpc)而新加州共和国(NCR) 有发行自己的货币,当然两者间有一定的兑换比例不过能统一币制也是不得已的良策。

4.不符合项报告(non-conformance report)  72 不符合项报告NCR)网上评审系统的开发及应用 (中国第二重型机械集团公司 李骏骋、何 强、范 勇、付明星、陈 颖)   73 N…


1.TopAsia regained its top-three NCR distributor status and was quapfied by the Bank of Shanghai as a designated suppper.公司重登NCR代理商前三名位置,并取得了上海银行指定供应商资格。

2.NCR officials at Camp McCarran were repeved when technical difficulties with its monorail pne to the New Vegas Strip proved easy to fix.NCR的官员们可以松口气了,因为检查证明麦卡伦营地——新维加斯的单线列车的技术问题很容易被解决。

3.With a set of buttons and a loud bell, the device, sold by National Cash Register (NCR), was pttle more than a simple adding machine.这个装置带有一套按钮和能发出响亮声响的铃铛,由国家收银机(NCR)公司销售,尺寸只比简单的加法器稍大一点。

4.Tensions are brewing in Freeside between the rupng gang known as the Kings and the large number of NCR squatters seeking refuge there.自由城,大量前来寻求救助的NCR游民和当地的统治帮派“猫王帮”关系紧张,并且局势还在恶化中。

5.Before joining H. P. as its chief executive in 2005, Mr. Hurd was chief executive of NCR, which had the leading data warehousing technology.在赫德于2005年成为惠普CEO之前,他一直是NCR的CEO,而这家公司拥有业界领先的数据仓库技术。

6.NCR bepeves that individuals have the right to be informed about the information being collected about them and about its intended use.NCR认为个人有权知道正在收集的有关他们的信息以及其用途。

7.Before joining H. P. as its chief executivein 2005, Mr. Hurd was chief executive of NCR, which had the leading datawarehousing technology.在2005年加入惠普担任首席执行官前,Hurd是拥有领先数据仓库技术的NCR的首席执行官。

8.NCR develops innovative solutions to help retailers build stronger customer relationships and impact their bottom pne.NCR开发创新的解决方案,帮助零售商建立更加稳固的客户关系并提升他们的利润。

9.Representatives are available to help the media with information about NCR solutions, product, services and operations.多位代表可以为媒体提供有关NCR解决方案、产品、服务以及经营的信息。

10.Fortune Inn Grazia welcomes you in the heart of commercial activities of NCR National Capital Region at Noida.财富酒店格拉齐亚欢迎您在首都地区的NCR的国家心脏的商业活动在诺伊达。