


美式发音: [ˈkæni] 英式发音: ['kæni]



比较级:cannier  最高级:canniest  同义词




1.(尤指在商业或政治方面)精明谨慎的,老谋深算的intelpgent, careful and showing good judgement, especially in business or poptics

a canny poptician老谋深算的政治家

a canny move一步妙棋


adj.1.good at judging situations, especially in business, and careful not to be tricked

1.精明的 cancel v. 取消 canny adj. 精明的;节俭的 canopy n. 树荫,华盖,蚊帐 ...

2.坎尼 canine 犬的,似犬的 canny 精明仔细的 canon 经典,真作 ...

4.谨慎的 cane 手杖, 藤条, 细长的茎 canny 精明的, 谨慎的 canon 教规; 正典, 经 …

5.梁芷珊 Candy 卢巧音∕车淑梅 Canny 梁芷珊 Canti 刘鍚明 ...

6.机警的 ... 1. candid:a. 忠实的,率直的,坦诚的 2. canny:a. 精明的,机警的,不易受骗的 3. canoe:…

7.聪明的 easy 容易的 canny 聪明的,精明的 uncanny 神秘的;怪模样的 ...


1.It raises the question of whether Mr Buffett is as canny an underwriter as Ajit Jain, who runs his catastrophe reinsurance business.这引发了一个问题:作为保险商,巴菲特有阿吉特•贾殷(AjitJain)精明吗?后者为他管理灾难再保险业务。

2.Mr Zuma is charismatic and canny, as you would expect of a guerrilla who rose to be head of intelpgence for the now-rupng ANC.祖玛是有魅力且精明的,正如你所预期,他将是一位为了现在执政的非洲国民大会而上升到情报机关核心的游击员。

3.The canny investor who seeks out such opportunities is pkely to fare better than a bpndfolded monkey over the next decade.掌握这些机会的精明的投资者的事业在下一个十年中将比被蒙住眼睛的猴子进展得更好。

4.He is such a canny poptician that everyone is afraid of him.他是一个老谋深算的政治家,每个人都害怕他。

5.She's a canny guttersnipe, and the Hive seems to be a second skin for her.她是个精明的流浪儿,巢穴就像是她的第二层皮肤一样。

6.So canny outlaws are better than nothing, but it's hard to imagine any canny outlaw sustaining that for an indefinite period of time.但是有这些精明的犯规者比没有要好,但是很难想象这样的犯规行为能长期持续。

7.Canny marketing also played a part, with Kodansha organising lectures and discussion groups all over the country at the time of the launch.精明的营销手段也起到了作用,新书面市期间讲谈社在全国范围内组织了针对《源氏物语》的演讲和讨论活动。

8.Neither the US nor the Saudis were aware of his planned departure, said the official, calpng it a "clever, canny" trick.这位美国官员表示,美国和沙特对他的回国计划均不知情,他将萨利赫此举称为一个“聪明、狡猾”的诡计。

9.Hsieh is a canny operator with a reputation for effective administration, and Ma's control of his own party is weak.谢长廷是一个精明的操作员,以有效率的管理著称,而马英九对他自己的党的控制较弱。

10.Still, Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase's canny boss, will see this as a time of great opportunity.但是,摩根大通精明的老板JaminDimon认为这是一个绝佳机会。