


美式发音: [ɡæʃ] 英式发音: [ɡæʃ]





现在分词:gashing  过去式:gashed  复数:gashes  同义词





1.~ (in/on sth)深长的切口(或伤口、划伤)a long deep cut in the surface of sth, especially a person's skin


1.~ sth/sb划伤,砍伤(尤指人的皮肤)to make a long deep cut in sth, especially a person's skin

He gashed his hand on a sharp piece of rock.他的手在一块尖石头上划了一个大口子。




v.1.to make a long deep cut in something, usually accidentally

n.1.a long deep narrow slash or cut

1.点数 gasconade 吹牛,夸口 gash 深长的伤口,裂缝 gasp 喘息;喘气 ...

3.深长的伤口 gasconade 吹牛,夸口 gash 深长的伤口,裂缝 gasp 喘息;喘气 ...

4.砍得很深的伤口 garrison n. 守备队,驻军,要塞; gash n. 砍得很深的伤口,很深的裂缝; gender n. 性 413 ...

5.大伤口 gush 涌出, gash 大伤口, gust 一阵风 ...

6.裂纹 gash vein 裂缝脉 gash 裂纹 gasifiable 可气化的 ...

7.很深的裂缝 bash 怒殴 gash 很深的裂缝 thrash ash 痛打 ...


1.When the bar was more or less cleared, Tough Bill was lying insensible on the floor with a great gash in his head.当酒吧间里多少清静下来以后,只见硬汉子彼尔人事不醒地躺在地上,头上裂了个大口子。

2.The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog, hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide.第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少能发现一个深长的伤口。

3.Reiko was crying and had a gash on her forehead, but otherwise the child seemed unhurt.玲子还在哭喊,额头被擦伤了,除此之外,毫发无损。

4.Wang said he had walked out of the store and was passing by the scuffle when a bottle hit his head, causing a gash.王说当他从商店走出来并穿过混乱的人群时,一个瓶子打中了他的头,并划了一个口子。

5.Water! ' as she lay in the back of a pick-up truck with a bloated arm and festering gash several inches wide.她躺在一辆皮卡车后面,胳膊肿胀,长达几英寸的伤口已经化脓。

6.He had a gash to his head but no broken bones or ruptured internal organs.他头部有道很深的裂缝但是没有骨折,内脏也没有破裂。

7.Today, I was in an accident that left me with a gash on my forehead.今天,我的前额在一场车祸中受了伤。

8.The portrayal of the many small holes in the side of the ship and not one large gash along the side is accurate.影片中把船体的一侧出现很多洞而且不是一条很大的裂缝的描述十分精确。

9.In his hands, the Hindu goddess Kap is potbelped and squat. Her arms are flaipng and her mouth is a terrifyingly gorgeous gash of red.在他的笔下,印度教女神卡莉是一副蹲坐着的、肚子便便的形象,她的手臂被悬起,而她张开的嘴唇被涂上了吓人的血红。

10.He had a huge gash and told his chariot driver to get him back to the palace and out of the battlefields.他有一个巨大的伤口,他告诉他的车兵,带他离开战场回到宫殿。