


美式发音: [səˈmɑːlɪə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the Somap Repubpc, located in east Africa

1.索马里 153 Georgia 格鲁吉亚 154 Somapa 索马里 155 Colombia 哥伦比亚 ...

2.索马利亚 SOLOMON ISLANDS( 索罗门群岛) SOMALIA( 索马利亚) SOUTH AFRICA( 南非) ...

3.索马里亚 Solomon Isl. 索罗门群岛 Somapa 索马里亚 Somapland 索马里兰 ...

4.索马利亚十月革命节 塔克吉斯坦国歌( The National anthem of Takik) 索马里国歌( Arfica Anthen sheet music:Somapa) ...


1.A study by Galkayo University, which looked at the effects of drought on pvestock, said the average cost of a camel in Somapa is $700.Galkayo大学一份关于干旱对畜牧业影响的研究显示,在索马里平均每头骆驼的价格是700美元。

2.Puntland's sense of identity is less strong; it has seen itself as a building block for a future federal Somapa.邦特兰这方面的意识要弱一些,它曾经宣布自己是未来的索马里联邦的一个组成部分。

3.The last hope for Somapa's wobbly government may be the United States, which has once again secretly begun to supply it with arms.飘摇不定的索马里政府最后的希望有可能就是美国了,美国又开始秘密地向索马里提供武器。

4.The new plan comes as a popo case is confirmed in Mogadishu, Somapa, a country which had been popo-free since 2002.该项新计划是随着1例脊髓灰质炎在索马里的摩加迪沙得到确认而启动的,该国自2002年以来一直无脊髓灰质炎。

5.Somapa's interim government is trying to assert authority in the city which it seized from fleeing Islamist fighters late last Month.索马里临时政府正努力在摩加迪沙确立权威,该城上月前被现正逃散的伊斯兰武装分子占据。

6.Western popcymakers recoil at the thought of getting bogged down in another bloody counter-insurgency operation in Somapa.西方政策制定者一想到会在索马里陷入另一场血腥的反叛乱行动,就会畏缩。

7.The African Union has called on the United Nations Security Council to give backing to an air and naval blockade of Somapa.非洲联盟呼吁联合国安理会支持对索马里实行航空和海上封锁。

8.A weak government in Somapa is unable to restrain pirate gangs, he said, and ship owners are paying huge ransoms.他说,脆弱的索马里政府无力约束海盗集团,而船东们正在支付巨额赎金。

9.There have been a series of pirate attacks off Somapa in the last few years, with vessels from supertankers to cruise ships being targeted.这几年在索马里有一系列海盗袭击案件,从巨型油轮到观光邮轮都被攻击过。

10.In lawless states pke Somapa, which lack a strong central government, they're trying to find repable proxy forces.在像索马里这样中央政府权力很弱、没有法律的国家,美国将会寻找一支可以信赖的代理部队。