



美式发音: [ˈɡrinˌhaʊs] 英式发音: [ˈɡriːnˌhaʊs]



复数:greenhouses  同义词




n.1.a building made of glass that is used for growing plants that need protection from the weather

1.温室 魁地奇球场( Quidditch pitch) 温室( Greenhouses) 海格的小木屋( Hagrid’s Hut) ...

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3.温室会议 ... 温室工程案例 Greenhouse Projects 连栋温室知识 Greenhouses 行业新闻 Industry Ne…

5.蔬菜大棚建设 鹏翔蔬菜大棚建设greenhouses) 的优势2013.03.27 伦经理为您讲解蔬菜大棚建设应用方面的三大问题 2013.03.25


1.As soon as you start trying to stack greenhouses on top of each other you run into problems, says Dr Caplow.Caplow博士说,只要你开始尝试将温室一层层堆放起来时,问题就出现了。

2.Argon filled pners have been used in solar greenhouses to reduce heat loss at night. Light bulbs have been filled with Argon.氩吸收光线已用于日光温室,在晚上减少热损失,电灯泡也是充满氩气的。

3.Boys of around thirteen years of age in particular, were often tempted to throw a stone or two at one of Mr. Flowers' greenhouses.特别是年龄在十三岁左右的男孩子,总想朝弗劳尔斯先生的某个暖房扔一、两块石头。

4.If it proves commercially feasible, coal plants around the world could one day be flanked by carbon-cleaning algae greenhouses or ponds.如果能证实在商业上可行的话,将来有一天,世界各地煤炭发电厂的附近都会附设进行碳清洁的藻类暖房或藻类池塘。

5.Greenhouses are easy to buy, quick to erect and, thanks to off-the-shelf kit designed for the purpose, simple to keep clean, too.温室容易购买,并且由于是普遍的套件设计,所以安装快速,保洁简单。

6.The researchers found that up to half of wild bumblebees near the greenhouses were infected with this parasite.研究人员发现,温室附近的野生大黄蜂中感染这种寄生虫的多达一半。

7.Greenhouses are placed around the complex, and the water will act as a coopng source as it is pumped through submerged pipes.大楼四周都就将建有玻璃暖房,水则通过水下管道抽上来作为冷却源。

8.It is suggested that greenhouses could be built on this land with the exhaust from the power station pumped in to supply the heat they need.有提议表明,温室也应该建立在这样的地方,因为可以向温室泵入发电站产生的废气,来提供温室所需要的热能。

9.The air cooled by this process will be pumped into the greenhouses , benefiting plants that could not survive the heat outside.通过这个过程冷却下来的空气将被泵入温室,这样有利于不能承受室外温度的植物的生长。

10.Today, many vegetables are not grown in gardens but in greenhouses where they are protected from the wind, rain and insects.现在,很多蔬菜不是在菜园里种植而是在温室里,这里可以使它们免受风雨虫害的侵扰。语境:在乡下农场生产活动。