




1.美奇-VLZ3音频及会议系统评测页面是IT168网站对美奇(MACKIE)1642-VLZ3音频及会议系统的评测信息的汇总,IT168手机评测 …

2.麦凯 得胜科声( T&S) 摩奇( MACKIE) 美奥多( M-AUDIO) ...

6.美技 ADAM/ 亚当 MACKIE/ 美技 Geneiec/ 真力 ...

7.调音台 MACH 控制系统 MACKIE 调音台 MACKIE 功率调音台 ...

8.美琪 NUMARK. 露玛 MACKIE . 美琪 STANTON. 士丹顿 ...


1.More than just a re-sculpted face, a pretty midriff, and a Bob Mackie dress, Cher has also become a one-woman cottage industry.并不仅仅是重塑了脸蛋、漂亮的腹部以及一件鲍勃麦基服装,雪儿也已成为了一个产业。

2."I'm glad to see they got it out sooner rather than later, " said Nick Agostino at Mackie Research Capital.“我很高兴看到它早日亮相,早发售比晚发售好,”Mackie科研投资公司的NickAgostino说道。

3.'What the region really needs is a one-off fiscal transfer, ' says David Mackie, economist at J. P. Morgan in London.摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)驻伦敦经济学家麦凯(DavidMackie)说,欧元区真正需要的是一笔一次性的财政转移支付。

4.Mackie concluded that ancient people probably built the ledge as an astronomical observation platform.麦凯断定,古人筑起这个凸岩大概是为了作天文观测台用的。

5.Mackie calculates that in a worst-case contagion, supporting Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Greece may cost 8% of the euro zone's GDP.Mackie计算出,最坏情况下的蔓延,援助西班牙、葡萄牙、爱尔兰和希腊可能需要花费欧元区GDP的8%。

6.Chris Mackie pointed out another area where Java technology could make a difference.ChrisMackie指出了Java技术可能与众不同的另一个领域。

7.David Mackie, an economist at JPMorgan Chase, argues that the real prize would be to offer low-cost finance beyond 2013.摩根大通的经济学家DavidMackie称,其真正的回报是将在2013年后才提供的低成本财政。

8.'We need to forgive our neighbor as much for our own benefit as for theirs, ' says Mr. Mackie.麦凯说,我们应免去周边国家的债务,这与人于己都是有利的。

9.Mackie: Yes of course. What's the problem? A couple of us are worried about the coursework. Could we make an appointment?当然了。什么问题?我们两个都很担心我们的学科作业。我们能和你这约个时间吗?

10.In fact, Mackie noted the tendency of initial, proprietary innovations to "give way over time to durable, open source alternatives. "他说,事实上,专项创新的趋势是让路给持久、开源的替代方案。