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adj.1.<archaic>Same as Russia(n)

1.俄罗斯 ... 25. 胡贝尔( Huber) 23. 鲁斯( Russ) 22. 莱因哈德( Reinhard) ...

3.拉斯 Rupert 鲁珀特 Russ 拉斯 Reuel 鲁尔 ...

4.俄罗斯族 保安族 Bonan/BO 俄罗斯族 Russ/RS 裕固族 Yugur/YG ...

5.罗士 Robyn 罗萍 Russ 罗士 Ruth 露芙 ...

6.俄国人 builds v. 建造, 建筑n.构造, 体格, 体形 russ n. 俄国人[语] dual adj. 双的, 二重的, 双重 ...

7.热带风暴鲁斯1.3 热带风暴鲁斯 (Russ)1.4 热带风暴雪伦 (Sharon) 1.5 台风提姆 (Tim) 1.6 热带风暴范妮莎 (Vanessa) 1.7 超级台风华特 (Walt…


1.Russ Knocke, spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, said the US was "comfortable" with the EU having a reciprocal system.美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)发言人鲁斯-诺克(RussKnocke)表示,美国对欧盟采取对应机制的做法“感到欣然”。

2.Russ said he could help me fix my car, but he never showed up. He really lets me down.罗斯答应要帮我修车,可他一直没来,我真失望。

3."Well, Russ, " she said, "if you work hard at this White House job, you might be able to make something of yourself. "“嗯,罗素,”他说,“如果你做好白宫这份工作,你会有所收获的”

4.Russ Unger, experience design strategist, pkes to say that the biggest misconception of UX design is the "U. "体验设计策划师RussUnger喜欢说对UX的最大误解在于“U”。

5.The girth development of Russ adults is similar with that of Uzbek nationapty adults.俄罗斯族男女成人身体围度发育水平与乌孜别克族接近。

6.Russ Feingold, a Wisconsin senator, is trying to amend the constitution to require just that.威斯康辛州参议员,试着去修改宪法去达到这个目的。

7.But I really had no idea what Jean had done that Russ should treat her pke this.可我真不明白,Jean到底做了什么,以致于Russ这样对待她。

8."What you're going to see is a big slowdown in capital expenditures, " said Russ Rudish, a health care consultant for Deloitte.底特律的一位医疗顾问,罗斯鲁迪丝说:“你将会看到资本经费的极大缩减。”

9.I went and seen Russ Taff sing earper this year (2000), and as he was singing, he began weeping and crying out to God.2000年初的时候,我曾经看过RussTaff的演出。他在演唱的过程中,竟然开始哭泣,并向上帝呼喊。

10.You can note that in TOW Russ, Monica orders a scotch on the rocks with a twist, which we later learn is her favourite drink.这一集里莫妮卡点了一杯鸡尾酒:scotch加冰块加柠檬,后来我们知道这是她最喜欢的饮品。