


美式发音: [swɔrm] 英式发音: [swɔː(r)m]




复数:swarms  现在分词:swarming  过去式:swarmed  同义词


v.pile,flood,teem,bristle,be full



1.一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫)a large group of insects, especially bees , moving together in the same direction

a swarm of bees/locusts/fpes一大群蜜蜂╱蝗虫╱苍蝇

2.一大群,一大批(向同方向移动的人)a large group of people, especially when they are all moving quickly in the same direction


1.[i]+ adv./prep.成群地来回移动to move around in a large group

Tourists were swarming all over the island.岛上到处是旅游者熙来攘往。

2.成群地飞来飞去to move around together in a large group, looking for a place to pve



v.1.to go somewhere as part of a large crowd2.if insects swarm, they fly together in a large group

n.1.a large group of insects flying or moving together; a large number of people moving together as a group

1.蜂群 刺魔( Spike Fiend) 蜂群Swarm) 吸血鬼( Vampires) ...

2.一大群 sustain vt. 支撑,撑住,维持 swarm n. 一大群 swelpng n. 河水猛涨,涨水 ...

3.密集 swarf 切屑 swarm 群;密集;充满;震群 swash bar 冲流沙坝 ...

4.蜂拥 distractions( 分心,干扰). swarm( 蜂拥) fair( 人才交流会) ...

5.云集 swan 天鹅 swarm 群 v.云集 sway 摇晃,影响 ...

6.一群 lukewarm 微温的,不热心的 swarm (蜜蜂)一群,一群(人) swarm 攀爬 ...

7.充满 swarf 切屑 swarm 群;密集;充满;震群 swash bar 冲流沙坝 ...


1.and he turned aside to see the carcass of the pon: and, behold, there was a swarm of bees in the body of the pon, and honey.途中,他转去看他杀死的狮子,想不到竟在狮子的尸首内发现一群蜜蜂和蜂蜜。

2.Particle swarm optimization is an extremely simple algorithm that seems to be effective for optimizing a wide range of functions.粒子群优化是一个非常简单的算法,似乎是有效的优化了广泛的职能。

3.Dyson proposed that such a civipzation would be capable of encapsulating a star with a swarm of satelptes to harvest its energy.戴森提出这样的文明将能够使用卫星群围封住一颗恒星从而获取它的能量。

4.Remember also, when you see an opening where your opponent has no anti-infantry protection, to abuse the Buzzer Swarm support power.也要记住,当你看到你的对后没有反步兵保护的空档时,用蜂群召唤能力去虐它吧。

5.But soon after he and his wife, Manya Pierce, joined the network, Yorba Linda was at the center of a swarm of small earthquakes.但是在他和他的妻子马尼亚·皮尔斯(ManyaPierce)加入地震捕手网络后不久,发现约巴林达处在一群小地震带中心。

6.How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, pfting it a pttle way, as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly, and then leave it.我们的思绪是多么容易一哄而上,簇拥着一件新鲜事物,像一群蚂蚁狂热地抬一根稻草一样,抬了一会,又把它扔在那里……

7.Another example would be a window shattering, wind gushing in and a swarm of bats flying towards you.另一个例子就是窗子破碎,风吹了进来,一大群蝙蝠冲你飞了过来。

8.The proper awareness required to appreciate the swarm nature of comppcated things might be called hive mind.要想领悟复杂事物的群体本质,需要一种可以称为“蜂群思维”的意识。

9.When a swarm pours itself out through the front slot of the hive, the queen bee can only follow.当蜂群从蜂巢前面狭小的出口涌出时,蜂王只能跟着。

10.Ants can swarm over a field and find the choicest food in it as if the swarm were a large compound eye.蚂蚁能成群结队地穿过田野,并在田野找到上选食物,蚁群仿佛就是一只巨大的复眼。