




1.巴灵顿拉多州路易斯维尔(Louisville)、罗得岛州巴灵敦(Barrington)、威斯康星州米德尔敦(Middleton)、佐治亚州桃树市(Peachtree Ci…

5.巴林顿市两岁开始学芭蕾舞、来自西北郊巴林顿市Barrington)、已经有十九年芭蕾舞蹈经验的达西老师(Mrs. Darcy),在接受采访 …


7.巴林顿勋爵[37] 参见亨得森(Henderson)著《论默示》第209页,以及巴林顿勋爵Barrington)著《著作集》第1卷,第33页。就他们的 …

8.巴林顿花园像是张先生十分喜欢的巴林顿花园(Barrington),是最能让人体会到英国人对玫瑰钟爱之情的地方,在这个花园中,种植了几代 …


1.The leader, Barrington Erle, looks at him with utter disgust.这位领导人,巴林顿·厄尔(BarringtonErle),以一种全然厌恶的表情看着他。

2."No bourgeoisie, no democracy" , the much-quoted precept of American sociologist Barrington Moore, seems to have met its match in China.“没有中产阶级,就没有民主”——美国社会学家巴林顿•摩尔(BarringtonMoore)这句广为流传的格言,似乎在中国找到了反证。

3.Barrington is now searching for a Customer Service Representative.现我司因业务发展需要,拟招聘客服人员一名。

4.A rich man and a poor man are found dead of gunshot wounds outside a seedy bar on Barrington Street in Hapfax.一个穷人和一个富人同时被人枪杀,尸体在哈利法克斯市的巴林顿街一家破旧的酒吧门口被人发现。

5.She was joined at the mass rally by her friend Apce Buchholz, also 81, of Barrington, Ilpnois.她与自己同为81岁高龄的朋友,来自伊利诺伊州巴林顿的ApceBuchholz一起加入到集会中。

6.The Barrington leather goods factory is looking for a shipping operator.厦门百灵敦工艺品有限公司欲找货运人员一名。

7.Crass and his disciples attributed Barrington's manner to fear that he was going to get the sack for his trouble.克拉斯和他的同党觉得巴林顿所以不开口是因为担心自己闯了祸会被解雇。

8.This French chateau-style stone castle, built in 1888, can be found in the Berkshires in Great Barrington, Mass.这座法国庄园风格的石头城堡建造于1888年,位于马萨诸塞州大巴灵顿的伯克县。

9.Most will come from Barrington High School, where some class sizes will rise to 30 students per class next fall.大部分都是巴林顿高中的老师,今年秋天每个班级的人数将增加到30人。

10.Robert Galvin, who was Motorola's CEO for 29 years, was 89. He died at his Barrington Hills resident Tuesday night of natural causes.罗伯特·加尔文,曾任摩托罗拉CEO长达29年,于近日在其巴林顿山的寓所内寿终正寝,享年89岁。