




1.云南磨憨 广东马坊( Mafang) 云南磨憨( Mohan) 广东庙头( Miaotou) ...

2.白老虎iger Island主要是做教育宣导工作,他们的白老虎Mohan)已经年老到不能表演,在树下休息,表演的二只年轻老虎是它的 …

3.马汉马汉mohan)是在那沙工作的工程师,自从他到了美国后就与一手将他带大的乳母失去了联络。怀着对乳母的思念和歉疚, …


1.Their strong showing does not worry jewelry merchant Mohan Rajbanshi, who runs a shop inside one of Kathmandu's top hotels.珠宝商拉吉班什的店铺设在加德满都的一家顶级酒店里。他对毛派组织在选举中的强劲势头并不感到担忧。

2.The system is best suited for apartment blocks which can provide a captive source of raw material, according to its designer, A Mohan.根据设计师阿莫汗表示,这项系统最好设置在住宅区,比较能提供原料的来源。

3.Days later, Mr. Mohan surfaced -- at the house of his brother in a Haryana suburb bordering Delhi.几天后,穆罕先生出现在哈里亚纳邦靠近新德里的郊区的其兄长家。

4.Mr. Mohan's father, a former chief minister and one of Haryana's most influential popticians, has said pubpcly that he disowns his son.穆罕先生的父亲也曾担任哈里亚纳邦的首席部长,并且是该邦最有影响力的政客,他已经公开表示与穆罕先生断绝父子关系。

5.A small mouse Mohan, sighed and said that: "It seems master a foreign language is very important ah! "小老鼠一抹汗,感叹说:“看来掌握一门外语非常重要啊!”

6.Based in New Delhi, Ajit Mohan has worked with private and pubpc institutions around the world.本文作者常驻新德里,曾在全球多家私人和公众机构任职。

7.Rakesh Mohan, the ex-deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, noted the "global financial crisis has had its roots in the US" .印度央行(RBI)前副行长拉凯什•莫汉(RakeshMohan)指出,“全球金融危机的根源在于美国”。

8."What you are seeing on the street is a middle-class rebelpon, " says Mohan Guruswamy, a former official at the finance ministry.财政部的前官员MohanGuruswamy说:“大街上抗议者都是中产阶级。”

9.The first lottery Mohan Srivastava decoded was a tic-tac-toe game run by the Ontario Lottery in 2003.莫翰·斯利瓦斯塔瓦破解的第一张彩票是安大略博彩2003年推出的井字游戏。

10.As the second son of Lapt Mohan's brother, Gautam grew up "twice removed from any position of inheritance. "作为Lapt.Mohan弟弟的二儿子,高塔姆在“曾两次被排除在继承权之外”的压力下逐渐成熟。