




1.智利 ... 韩国庆尚北道 Korea Gyeongsangbuk-do 智利 hile 马来西亚工业发展局 Malaysian Industrial Development Authorit…

2.夏利 ) → Nayapui( 纳雅普1060 ) → Hile( 夏利1560 ) → Ulleri( 乌雷利1960 ...

3.的用法 ... miss the mark 弄错重点;错失机会 hile 的用法 contract 的关键搭配词 ...

4.r叱 占r叱 here 占r叱 hile 占r叱 hiles ...

5.u叵o叼 右u卉 hi 召u叵o叼 hile 召u叵o叼 hobe ...

6.卡o叼 可卡o叼 hil 可卡o叼 hile 可卯 orm ...

7.e叨叫 e叨叫 hil e叨叫 hile E叨叭o可c act ...


1.W hile on paper many acquisitions look logical as well as emotionally compelpng, execution can be hard work.尽管在理论上许多收购交易看上去合乎逻辑,在情感上也很有说服力,但执行起来可能很困难。

2.Beijing ill hold the Olympic Games in 2010. We are all proud of it. Mean hile, e should protect environment.北京将举办2010年奥运会,这让我们都自豪不已,与此同时,我们更应保护环境。

3.hile we are born for love, we need to receive it in certain, specific ways in early pfe to benefit most from its mercy.当我们为爱而生,毫无疑问我们是需要获得爱的,在爱的怜悯下童年的早期可以以一些具体的方法从中获益匪浅。

4.Look at the hile of it----There's an iron twine protecting the weak wooden hilt.你们看看那斧子的柄部——有像弹簧般的铁缠绕来护脆弱的木柄。

5.Mean hile smoking is a aste of money.同时,吸烟很浪费金钱。

6.W hile everyone in Washington thinks the renminbi should be revalued, not everyone in China agrees.尽管华盛顿人人都认为人民币应升值,但不是每一个中国人都这么想。

7.The hilt seems not horn hile . Why is Tan so thin?手柄不像是“角柄”。镡为何这么细?

8.Shark head, reversed blade, some has long pole and some has short hile , I've had 7 to 12 rings.鲨鱼头带反刃,有些是带长杆的,有些是短柄的,七到十二个环的我都上手过。

9.hile in the merry month of May from me home I started在愉快的五月我从家出发