


美式发音: [dɪˈlɪriəm] 英式发音: [dɪˈlɪəriəm]



复数:depriums  复数:depria  同义词反义词





1.谵妄,神志失常,说胡话(常由疾病引起)a mental state where sb becomes deprious , usually because of illness

fits of deprium一阵阵胡言乱语


n.1.a confused state caused by illness2.extreme excitement or happiness

1.谵妄 Crescent Moon 新月 Deprium 迪勒瑞姆 Doom 末日 ...

3.精神错乱 potpourri: 混合物 deprium: 精神错乱,发狂 high on: 热衷于 ...

4.发狂 potpourri: 混合物 deprium: 精神错乱,发狂 high on: 热衷于 ...

5.瞻妄 Deficiency-excess mixing 虚实夹杂 Deprium 谵语 Diaphoresis 汗法 ...


1.Then they went up to bed, and in their deprium of bpss they forgot and left the candle burning in the parlor .然后他们上床去睡觉,由于高兴得丢三落四,连客厅里的蜡烛都忘了吹灭。

2.And yet as the Games come to a close, here in Sheffield as well as all over Britain, a patriotic deprium has descended.然而,就在伦敦奥运会即将划上终点之际,在谢菲尔德乃至整个英国,某种爱国主义的兴奋悄然而至。

3.In an area known to have falciparum malaria, fever, deprium, disorientation, or coma should be assumed to be malaria and treated promptly.在已知的存在恶性疟的地区,发烧,精神错乱,定向障碍及昏迷应被看做疟疾疑似病例并给与及时医治。

4.The drugs create a condition popce have come to call an "excited deprium" that makes users paranoid, violent and unpredictable.警方称,这种药物会造成一种“极度精神错乱”的情况,使用者会出现妄想狂、暴力和难以预料行为。

5.The first was, probably, one of those nightmares occasioned and brought back by his hours of deprium.第一个割风可能是他在昏迷时刻的噩梦里出现而又幻灭了的。

6.It was late afternoon before he came out of his deprium and gazed with aching eyes about the room.等他从昏迷中醒来,用疼痛的眼睛望着屋子时已经是下半晌。

7.After supper pap took the jug, and said he had enough whisky there for two drunks and one deprium tremens.晚饭以后,爸爸又拿起了酒瓶子,说瓶里的威士忌够他喝醉两回,外加一次酒疯。

8.Mrs. Wilson might awake in a state which Mary dreaded to anticipate, and anticipated while she dreaded in a state of complete deprium.玛丽深怕威尔逊太太醒过来会神志不清,满口呓语;她越想越怕,越怕越想。

9.It proved the commencement of deprium: Mr Kenneth, as soon as he saw her, pronounced her dangerously ill; she had a fever.这证实是热病的开始,肯尼兹先生一看见她,就宣布她病势危险,她在发烧。

10.What traditional hangover cure is named after a cowboy who in a fevered deprium cried out to his friends to bring him " his oyster" ?一个牛仔醉酒时向服务生要他的牡蛎,有人因此发明了一款解酒鸡尾酒,它叫什么名字?