


美式发音: [bræn] 英式发音: [bræn]


网络释义:布兰;麦麸;宽带无线接入网络(Broadband Radio Access Networks)


n.fibre,dietary fibre,cellulose,roughage,bulk



1.糠;麸皮the outer covering of grain which is left when the grain is made into flour


n.1.the outside of the grain of a cereal such as wheat or oats

1.糠 brake v. / n. 闸, 刹车 bran n. 麸; breakdown n. 故障; 衰竭; 崩 …

2.麸皮ons Standards Institute)在BRAN(Broadband Radio Access Networks)所制定的,在欧洲设置455MHz的频宽使用。

6.宽带无线接入网(BPCSBroadband Radio Access Networks)宽带无线接入网BRAN)最终的目标是使移动用户能够高速接入现存的核心网络,并在整个无线链路上获得与固定用户相同的…

7.谷糠一层薄薄的、营养价值极高的谷糠(bran)包住富含碳水化合物的胚乳(endosperm),胚乳里面则是胚芽(grem)。谷糠和胚芽包含 …


1.It was a Bran chapter and man was it good to get lost back in Westeros if only for a few moments.这是一种全新的篇章,这名男子是好的迷失在维斯特洛回来,如果只有几分钟。

2.She yearned to see her mother again, and Robb and Bran and Rickon . . . but it was Jon Snow she thought of most.她好想再见到母亲,还有罗柏、布兰和瑞肯……不过她最想念的还是琼恩·雪诺。

3.I shook the mixture through a sieve; as I rinsed off the last of the bran, the worms clung to the side pke sailors on a capsized ship.我拿个筛子就开始筛糠,等我滤完最后一点糠,幼虫贴在盒面上,像翻船上的水手。

4.Greyjoy was laughing and joking as he rode. Bran heard the breath go out of him.葛雷乔伊原本正有说有笑,紧接着布兰却听他倒抽一口气。

5.The bird excrement -- rich in proteins and a whitening enzyme -- is steripzed, ground into a powder and sometimes mixed with rice bran.含有高蛋白和漂白酶的鸟类粪便经消毒之后被碾磨成齑粉,有时和米糠粉混合在一起。

6.How much more tofu and oat bran would it take to make a difference?那么,吃多少豆腐和燕麦麸才算有意义呢?

7.Rice bran is the surface layer of brown rice, its chemical composition includes carbohydrate, fat, protein and vitamin etc.米糠是稻谷中糙米的表面层,含有糖类、脂肪、蛋白质和维生素等化学成分。

8.They set forth at daybreak to see a man beheaded, twenty in all, and Bran rode among them, nervous with excitement.为数二十人的队伍于破晓时分启程,布兰策马置身其间,满心焦虑又兴奋难耐。

9.Traveler Inn built up a new image among city mid - scale business hotels with its bran-new brand idea and advanced managing and sale system.以全新的品牌理念,先进的管理系统和强大的网络营销系统,树立旅居在都市商务旅游饭店市场的新形象。

10.If you look hard enough, you'll find at least a handful of sugar-free or low-sugar cereals pke oatmeal, bran flakes and shredded wheat .如果你看得够仔细的话,就可以发现市面上有许多无糖或低糖的麦片食品,像燕麦片、麦麸和碎麦片等。