




1.格洛克 AXE 消防斧 GLOCK 手枪 SHOTGUN 霰弹枪 ...

3.格洛克手枪 伯莱塔手枪【 Beretta】 格洛克手枪Glock】 伍兹冲锋枪【 Uzi】 ...

4.拉克手枪 Knife, Beige 由全球知名的枪支制造商克拉克(GLOCK)所研发的军用蓝波攻击刀,现为奥地利特种部队使用之装备。


1.He pulled latex gloves and a handkerchief out of his pocket, donned the gloves, and carefully wiped down the Glock with the handkerchief.汉斯莱从口袋里掏出一副乳胶手套和一块手帕,他戴上手套,仔细地用手帕擦拭着手中的格洛克手枪。

2.With a muttered curse, Hensley dropped the Glock on his empty chair, drew his own FBI service revolver, and aimed it at the two men.汉斯莱低声咒骂了一声,把格洛克手枪扔到他坐过那张椅子上,抽出FBI配发的左轮手枪指向杰克和阿雷特。

3.The man saw the Glock, and his mouth opened in surprise. Then the noise of a gunshot reverberated throughout the cabin.那个警察看见格洛克手枪,惊异地张开嘴,一声枪响随即回荡在整个机舱里。

4.That will hopefully not be a concern for Glock as he prepares for the race at Albert Park in Melbourne.这将不是一个有希望的关注格洛克为他准备的比赛在墨尔本阿尔伯特公园。

5.Jack had to break the impasse, the only way he knew how. He raised the Glock and aimed.杰克必须打破僵局,他所知道的办法只有一种,于是他抬高格洛克手枪的枪口瞄准目标。

6.Glock revealed that the abuse hurled at him extended to personal threats, including against his family.格洛克表明,滥用投掷他扩展到个人的威胁,包括对他的家人。

7.It had been her father's gun: a beautiful Glock . 45 with, of all things, a laser sight.枪是她父亲的,是一把漂亮的格洛克45型手枪,配置齐全,还有一副激光瞄准器。

8.The shot missed Jack, who was already rolpng away, snapping up the Glock before diving behind the cover of upended seats.子弹没有击中杰克,他已经就地一滚躲到一张倒下的椅子后面,还顺手捡起了地上那把格洛克手枪。

9.Glock appears to be a pzard-man from Middle Pangaea he also assisted with Jon's kidnapping .格洛克似乎有一种蜥蜴人从中层盘古大陆;他还协助琼的绑架。

10.Then he shifted the Glock to his left hand, drew his service revolver with his right, and approached Bauer.接着,汉斯莱把枪换到左手,用右手拔出FBI配发的左轮手枪,走向鲍尔。