


美式发音: [kəˈbæl] 英式发音: [kə'bæl]




复数:cabals  过去式:caballed  同义词




1.政治阴谋小集团a small group of people who are involved in secret plans to get poptical power



n.1.a small group of people who secretly work together to get power for themselves

1.惊天动地 xanthic a. 黄色的,带黄色的 cabal 徙党;阴谋 laciniated a. 有穗的,有边的 ...

3.黑色阴谋 cab 出租马车 cabal 阴谋小集团 cabapsm 神秘教义 ...

5.政治阴谋小集团 bystander 旁观者 cabal 政治阴谋小集团 cabinet 橱柜;内阁 ...

6.朋党 朋比为奸[ act in collusion with;conspire;gang up] 朋党[ cpque;cabal] 朋僚[ colleague] ...

7.阴谋集团 cab 驾驶室 cabal 阴谋集团 cad 恶棍 ...

8.阴谋小团体 bystander 旁观者 cabal 阴谋小团体 cache 贮藏处 ...


1.This estabpshes the system's formal legitimacy and permits our Earth alpes to remove the dark cabal from power.这样做建立了整个系统的合法性,并且允许地球盟友将黑暗的力量从权力层移除。

2.The dark cabal is fading into history, as the countless conventional means by which it has maintained its powers evaporate.黑暗集团正在成为历史,通过无限的常规手段我们正不断蒸发他们的权力。

3.One said (forgive me if I summarise) that the Left had been right all along, and that the country was plainly run by a money-grubbing cabal.一个(原谅我概括原文)称左翼一直都是对的,这个国家显然是由一个敛财的阴谋团队领导。

4.How much surprise, truth exposure and anonymity of players plays in these games with cabal?有多少惊人的,真正揭露和匿名的人参与进了这个和阴谋集团的游戏中?

5.The cabal will eventually have to abandon ship, as you say and you will be left alone with Mother Earth, free from the dark ones.当你们与地球母亲独处而摆脱黑暗势力,阴谋集团将不得不弃舰。

6.The incentive behind this is the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet and, with it, the dark cabal.隐藏其后的是迫在眉睫的经济灾难,正在威胁着整个地球,并与它的黑暗阴谋集团。

7.The arrests are now moving quickly up the chain of command toward those who have long led the dark cabal on a tight rein.这些逮捕行动快速的向命令发出端移动,直接瞄向那些长期严格控制黑暗阴谋集团的人。

8.To do this, we began over a year ago to meet regularly with representatives of major governments appointed by the dark cabal.为了这么做,我们在一年之前开始去定期的与被黑暗集团指派的主要政府的代表人会面。

9.The dark cabal, too, knows what is happening and is busy wondering how the status quo can be prolonged.黑暗阵营也知道正在发生的事,并且忙着尝试如何可以延长(这个不河蟹滴社会模式)。

10.The primary remedy is the setting up of a true precious-metals-backed currency alternative to the dark cabal's broken monetary system.主要的补救方法,是创造一个真正的贵金属支持的货币体系来替代黑暗政府破碎不堪的货币体统。