


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌswɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ʌp.swɪŋ]




复数:upswings  过去式:upswung  同义词反义词





1.[ususing]~ (in sth)改进;改善;上升;进步a situation in which sth improves or increases over a period of time

an upswing in economic activity经济活动的增加

an upswing in the team's fortunes这支队伍鸿运高照



n.1.an increase or improvement in something

1.上升 unsecured bond 信用债券 upswing 上升, 上回转 unsecured creditor 无担保债权 …

2.回升 upset price 拍卖底价;最低售价 upswing 上升;回升 uptrend 升势;上扬 ...

3.增长 upstream 向上游,逆流地 upswing 上升,增长 uptight 焦虑不安的,紧张的 ...

4.上升趋势,将同一个主题不断扩大 、延伸,整个教材体系呈螺旋上升趋势(Upswing) .

5.向上摆动 upstairs (在)楼上; upswing 向上摆动 Vice- 副 ...

6.上挥杆 US Open 美国公开赛 Upswing 上挥杆 Warming up 准备活动 ...

7.上升周期 per cent of total loans: 总计贷款百分比 upswing上升周期 downturn: 下降周期 ...


1.But I assumed it was just a phase, and that he would resolve it on the next upswing.但我认为这只是一个阶段,在下一次情绪高涨时他会解决这个问题。

2.Problem is, the minute it seems there might be an upswing, it turns back into a downturn.但问题是,似乎刚有上升的苗头,却又回转下来。

3.The economy may not be on an upswing yet, but credit is starting to flow again, and I'm not sure what to make of that.经济可能仍没有好转,但是信贷已开始再次流转,我不确定是什么形成了这一局面。

4."China is the next wave of business innovation and growth and to be there at the beginning of the upswing is even better, " Carnathan says.“中国是下一次商业革新和发展的核心,在革新开始时去那里更好”,Carnathan讲到。

5.Traditionally, students who quit jobs at the start of a recession graduate with an MBA when the economy is in an upswing.传统上,在经济开始衰退时辞职读书的MBA学生毕业时会处于一个经济上升期。

6.Articles and blog posts on the subject seem to be on the upswing.关于这个话题的文章和博客帖子似乎也越来越多。

7.The velocity seems to indulge in cycles "sympathetic to business, " and the circulation may, in a single upswing, treble.流通速度似乎陷入一个“亲商业”循环,而在一次上升过程中,流动量可能增加两倍。

8.G_Menchaca everyday. Constant battle. But I feel pke I'm on an upswing. Being in love and creative in the studio feed my soul.每天都有。这是一个长期的抗争。但是我觉得我现在的情况慢慢变得更好了。因为爱情和录音室里的创作滋润了我的灵魂。

9.But just as the downswing of the inventory cycle deepened the recession, the upswing has boosted the recovery.但就象为降低库存会加深衰退一样,增加库存也会促进经济的复苏。

10.So far, the upswing doesn't begin to match the tech booms of the late 1990s and the middle years of this decade.目前为止,这种上升的趋势尚不及90年代末和前几年的科技热潮。