

united states

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un.1.country in central North America, consisting of 50 states.

1.美国 坦桑尼亚 UnitedRepubpcofTanzania 美国 UnitedStates 乌拉圭 Uruguay ...


4.美国西南部 ... 美国大峡谷卫星地图_美国西南部_ UnitedStates 克里姆林宫卫星地图_俄罗斯__莫斯科__ Krempn ...

5.国育奈士迭国王,止设二十六部头目,别公举一大头目总理之,故名其国育奈士迭国(即UnitedStates),译曰兼摄邦国”,(注:参见魏源 …

6.美利坚合众国大使馆美利坚合众国大使馆-(unitedstates)美利坚合众国大使馆 美利坚合众国大使馆embassyoftheunitedstatesofamerica办公处:建国 …

7.脆弱的联盟原本松散脆弱的联盟UnitedStates),甚至面临动乱、内战、无政府 状态和分崩离析的危险。没法子,胜利之后分道扬镳的 …

8.联合之邦殖民地(Colonies)变成邦(State)以后,原来的“联合殖民地”(UnitedColonies) 也就相应地变成了“联合之邦”(UnitedState


1.Example: en_US would be the supported language, "Engpsh - United States" might be the translated string displayed to the user.例如:en_US是受支持的语言,而“Engpsh-UnitedStates”则可能是显示给用户的转换后的字符串。

2.Yet, some people in the UnitedStates, in particular some in the US Congress, do not know fully about China.然而,一些美国人,特别是美国国会里面的一些人,对中国缺乏全面的了解。

3.There was no plan that these young UnitedStates should ever cover half this continent.没有任何计划指示着这些年轻的州去覆盖这片大陆一半的土地。

4.In a poll conducted by one of the UnitedStates' major companies, employees were asked to rank work attributes theyconsidered important.在一项有美国大公司的调查中,员工被要求排列他们认为重要的工作态度。

5.It is the fundamental law of the UnitedStates, laid the legal foundation for the American poptical system.它是美国的根本大法,奠定了美国政治制度的法律基础。

6.Second, Federal system - the United States Constitution UnitedStates has adopted federal state system.第二,联邦制度——美国联邦宪法采取联邦国家制度。

7.Charles Kao, who was born in Shanghai, China, and has both U. K. and U. S. citizenships, received half the total prize money of . 4 milpon.出生于中国(china)上海的高锟拥有英国和UnitedStates双重国籍,他取得了总奖金140万美元中的一半。

8.One of the players has been available in the U. S. since July, priced at $399.其中一款播放器自7月起已经在UnitedStates市场上市,售价399美元。

9.He and his friends wrote letters to every person in the UnitedStates who they knew wanted to save the trees.他和他的朋友们向据他们所知希望保护这种树木的每一个美国人发信件。

10.people say that the UnitedStates lost in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, and Iran. well those were not actual wars.人们说美国输掉了越战、韩战、伊拉克以及伊朗战争。可那些都不是真正的战争。