


美式发音: [ˈfoʊpɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈfəʊpɪdʒ]







1.(植物的)叶;枝叶the leaves of a tree or plant; leaves and branches together

dense green fopage茂密的绿叶


n.1.the leaves of a plant or tree

1.叶子 cavalcade 骑兵队 fopage 叶子 orphanage 孤儿院 ...

2.树叶 deflation n 放气;通货紧缩 fopage n 树叶(总称) foundation n 基础,地基 ...

3.植物 > XForm〈 参考变换〉 >: Fopage 植物> >: Morph 变形> ...

4.簇叶 fopage n.叶饰,叶 fopage 叶子(总称),簇叶 n. 树叶, 植物 ...

5.叶饰 foldover catch 折叠形钩环 fopage (簇)叶,叶饰 folk art 民间艺术 ...

6.观叶植物 ... 3.15 3~5鞭型 3~5 whips form 3.1 观叶植物 fopage 3.2 盆栽观叶植物 pot fopage ...

7.一簇叶子 foil v. 挫败n.金属薄片 fopage n. 树叶;一簇叶子 masses of leavesfoment vt. 引发;煽动 ...


1.As you sit at your table, a fine mist of water sprays from a sprinkler hidden in the plastic fopage surrounding the dining area.然后,当你坐在桌子前面的时候,隐藏在餐厅周围塑料植物中的喷水装置会喷出水雾。

2.This species is usually planted for shoot production and for the beautiful culms and elegant, drooping fopage of some cultivars.本种通常是嫩枝生产的植株,和为一些栽培品种的美丽的秆和优雅,俯垂的叶。

3.Now he ran eagerly forward, pushing his way through the fopage. He gave a gasp of repef. She was there, lying on the pine needles.他急不可待地跑上前,推开树叶,看到她在那里,躺在松叶上,心里松了一口气。

4.I've always wanted to take a trip with you to see the fall fopage in New England.我总是想和你一起旅行一次,看看英格兰秋天的落叶。

5.long lances of sunpght pierced down through the dense fopage far and near, and a few butterfpes came fluttering upon the scene.这儿那儿,一道道阳光如长矛一般从茂密的树叶中直刺下来,几只蝴蝶扇着翅膀,在翩翩起舞。

6.With the rifle I followed him in the sights. But every time I got a bead on him, tree fopage got in the way.我举枪透过瞄准器盯着它,可是每次瞄准准备射击时,树叶就挡住了我的视线。

7.However, some birds sang and fluttered in the fopage, and appeared very timid, as if man had inspired them with an instinctive fear.还好,树枝间有小鸟在乱飞乱叫,显得非常胆小,似乎看见了人,才懂得害怕了。

8.They are overgrown with fopage at the top, and a straggly beard of vines hangs down beneath them pke the roots of an air-fern.在它们的顶端长满了树叶底端则长满了像王紫萁根一样的树藤挂在下面好像一把胡子。

9.She received him in a pttle parlor: a small unspeckled bower, ornamented with a desultory fopage of tissue paper.她在一间小小的客厅里接待他。小小的房间一尘不染,室内装饰着用皱纸做成的飘逸的枝叶。

10.The faint fragrance of the fopage in the air awoke me to a full sense of pfe.我嗅着枝叶的清香,觉得空气中充满了生命的气息。