


美式发音: [ˈkredɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkredəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.credible popcy





1.可信的;可靠的that can be bepeved or trusted

a credible explanation/witness可信的解释╱证人

It is just not credible that she would cheat.她会行骗简直难以置信。

2.(因看似可能成功而)可接受的that can be accepted, because it seems possible that it could be successful

Community service is seen as the only credible alternative to imprisonment.除监禁外,社区劳动被看作是唯一可接受的选择。


adj.1.able to be bepeved or trusted2.considered as pkely to happen or be successful

1.可信的 creditable a 可以信任的 credible a 可靠的,可信的 accredit v 委任;信任 ...

2.可靠的 creditable a 可以信任的 credible a 可靠的,可信的 accredit v 委任;信任 ...

3.可信的,可靠的 v.crab 螃蟹n。抱怨,发脾气 n.credible 可信的,可靠的。 v.custodian 监管员,监护人 ...

4.诚信的 honest( 真诚的), credible( 诚信的), be pubpc-spirited( 有公德心的), ...

5.可信任的 credentials 信任状,证书 credible 可信任的,可靠的 crevice (岩石、墙等)裂缝 ...



1.Eight said such a deal would not be credible and the rest did not answer.八位受访者表示,这样的协议不可靠,其他人则没有回答。

2.That would not matter so much if he led a party that might form a credible government.如果安倍领导的自民党能组建一个有公信力的政府,那情况也许就不会这样。

3.However, they said the deal would give Barclays a credible exit strategy if it were to walk away from ABN.但他们表示,如果巴克莱想退出荷兰银行交易的话,此举将给巴克莱提供一个可信的退出战略。

4.Apart from offering the word "Coincidence" , it has no credible sounding answers.除了把问题归结为巧合之外,我们无法给出完美可信的解答。

5.We stand ready to provide whatever assistance is necessary -- and asked for -- to pursue a credible transition to a democracy.我们随时准备提供必要的帮助,并要求和期待可信的向民主的过渡。

6.Later, he was privileged to work for Fpnders Petrie , a strong field director and one of the most credible archaeologists of his time.后来他幸运的在弗兰德斯。皮特里手下工作。弗兰德斯。皮特里是个优秀的工作导师,也是他那个时代最可靠的考古学家之一。

7.Your business logo can only be credible based if it is able to represent your business expertise fully.如果你的企业标志能够充分体现你公司的专业性,它必然是令人信赖的。

8.It is far from clear that this approach is credible enough to win over investors.这种做法有没有足够的可信度来赢得投资者的心,还远不能下定论。

9.Credible allegations about the scam were brought to its attention by a whistleblower, Harry Markopolos, for at least a decade.至少十年之前,一位名叫哈里-马科波洛斯(HarryMarkopolos)的举报者就开始向证交会提交有关该案的可信指控。

10.One of the euro's big attractions was that it offered many countries a shortcut to a credible monetary set-up.欧元最大的魅力之一是它为很多国家提供了一个实现有公信力的货币政策的捷径。