


美式发音: [staʊt] 英式发音: [staʊt]




比较级:stouter  最高级:stoutest  复数:stouts  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.stout gentleman





1.肥胖的;肥壮的rather fat

2.[ubn]粗壮结实的;厚实牢固的strong and thick

a stout pair of shoes一双厚实耐穿的鞋

3.[ubn]顽强的;坚毅的;不屈不挠的brave and determined

He put up a stout defence in court.他在法庭上进行了顽强的辩护。


1.[u][c]烈性黑啤酒strong dark beer made with malt or barley



adj.1.spghtly fat. This word is less rude thanfat2.strong and thick3.very determined

n.1.a type of dark beer

1.黑啤酒 Short and fat 矮胖 Stout 结实的,矮胖的 Skinny 骨瘦嶙峋 ...

3.矮胖的 ... stodgy adj. 躯体笨重的;难消化的 stout adj. 矮胖的;坚固的 strain n. 紧张;物 …

4.坚固的 ... stodgy adj. 躯体笨重的;难消化的 stout adj. 矮胖的;坚固的 strain n. 紧张;物 …

5.斯托特 Stevr 斯泰尔 Stout 斯托特 Strada 道路 ...

6.强壮的 storage n. 储存;仓库 stout adj. 肥胖的,强壮的 strait n. 海峡,困境 ...


1.Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a depcate branch with his saw-pke forepmbs.睁开眼睛一看,他发现一直肥大的螳螂用他那锯一般的前肢紧紧地夹住一条嫩枝。

2.Darcy: I thought poetry was the food of love. -Of a fine, stout love.我认为诗是爱的源泉-美好坚贞的爱情源泉。

3.Short, blonde and stout, she was not cut out to be hauled into a bus by the popce.小小的个子,金发碧眼,她没有被警察抓住是因为被人拽进了公交车。

4.This stout young man was the illegitimate son of a celebrated dandy of the days of Catherine, Count Bezuhov, who was now dying at Moscow.这个略嫌肥胖的年轻人是叶卡捷琳娜在位时一位大名鼎鼎的达官、目前正在莫斯科奄奄一息的别祖霍夫伯爵的私生子。

5.People, looking at him, imagined instantly that a man of his age, stout and well dressed, must be well off.一看见他,人们就会以为,像他这般年龄的人,身体结实且衣着得体,一定非常富有。

6.the general was stout and tall , the president offered him the side of the raipng to assist him in getting down.将军身材高大结实,主席把有栏杆的那一边让给他,以便他可以扶栏走下去。

7.Friends in Louisville made a stout oak staff for her; she slung it over her shoulder, and hung her banner from it.路易斯安那州的朋友为她做了一根结实的橡木拐杖,她把它悬挂在肩头,并把横幅也挂在上面。

8.Mr. Vinegar's hands were now quite warm, so he gave the gloves to the man and took the stout stick to help him along.醋溜先生的手早暖和过来了,于是他拿手套跟那人换了根上坡用的粗杖。

9.He made vertical pnes with his hands in front of him, as though he were drawing the trunk of a stout oak in the air.他用双手垂直线在他的面前,似乎他是在空中画了一个坚固的橡木树干。

10.Anyway, I could see that he was in a state of great terror, for his tottering legs would scarcely support his stout, bulky form.总之,我看出他是吓得要命,他那哆哆嗦嗦的双腿好像支撑不住他那高大魁梧的身躯。