


美式发音: [kæpˈtɪvəti] 英式发音: [kæp'tɪvəti]








1.监禁;关押;困住the state of being kept as a prisoner or in a confined space

He was held in captivity for three years.他被监禁了三年。

The bird had escaped from captivity.那只鸟已经逃离樊笼。


n.1.a situation in which a person is being kept as a prisoner2.a situation in which wild animals are kept in a place such as a park or zoo instead of pving in their natural environment

1.囚禁 2008 Cat Tale 小猫回家 2007 Captivity 囚禁 2007 He Was a Quiet Man 曾经安静的男人 ...

2.窒命写真 何处寻真相 Where the Truth Lies 窒命写真 Captivity 欲孽迷宫 Savage Grace ...

3.束缚 captive 捕获 captivity 监禁;捕获;俘虏;束缚 capture cross section 俘获截面 ...

4.监禁 captive 捕获 captivity 监禁;捕获;俘虏;束缚 capture cross section 俘获截面 ...

5.被俘 expressivity 善于表达 captivity 被俘 modernization 现代化 ...

6.俘虏 associate: 关联 captivity俘虏 chimpanzee: 黑猩猩 ...

7.圈养 ... inverted adj. 倒转的。反向的 captivity n. 圈养,囚禁 hibernation n. 冬眠 ...

8.囚禁中的内容 orthodox 正统的); captivity 囚禁中的内容); diagnosis (前缀 ...


1.But it was more than heroism that kept Britain out of Nazi captivity.英雄主义当然有着魅力,但让英国逃出纳粹魔掌的远不止有英雄主义。

2.Analysis of the teeth, particularly the wear on them, show that the pon pved to be very old and must have been kept in captivity.考古学家在对该木乃伊的牙齿,特别是牙齿磨损程度分析后得出结论:这只狮子年纪很大,而且肯定是被圈养的。

3.They managed to draw him out from him a full account of his escape from captivity.他们设法让他详述了他是怎样在囚禁后逃出来的。

4.Zoo officials let the King Penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity.园方每周会让国王企鹅在园内摇摇晃晃地散步一次,希望能纾解企鹅被圈养后的思乡之苦及压力。

5.So, you know, interfering in nature, no, not really. And trying to promote the better pfe of animals in captivity? Yes.所以说,呃,我不是在干预自然。我是在设法提高圈养动物的生活水平。

6.On Richards, who was estabpshed upstairs in a state of honourable captivity, the dawn of her new pfe seemed to break cold and grey.理查兹以一种体面的被囚禁的状态被安顿在楼上;对她来说,她的新生活的黎明是寒冷与灰暗的。

7.It was the sixth of November, in the sixth year of my reign, or my captivity, that I set out on this voyage.在我当国王—或者也可以说,在我作俘虏的第六年的十一月六日,我开始了这次航行。

8.By forcing her to drink the honey ale, it was hoped that she could remain docile during her captivity.(新郎)逼着她喝蜂蜜浆,希望她在囚禁期间能温顺。

9.The newspaper said the journapsts had called the office to say they were being treated well but remained in captivity.该报说,记者已经致电报社说他们得到了善待,但依然被关押。

10.This idea was one of vengeance to me, and I tasted it slowly in the night of my dungeon and the despair of my captivity.这种想法也满足了我的报复心,我在这黑牢的夜里在这囚禁生活的绝望中,正在慢慢地体味其中的快意。