


美式发音: [ˈkɑrθɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈkɑ:θidʒ]





un.1.site of an ancient city, founded by the Phoenicians on the northern coast of Africa in 814 . The site is now in a suburb of Tunis, capital of Tunisia.

1.迦太基迦太基系腓尼基人的殖民地,因罗马人称迦太基(Carthage)人为“布匿”(Punici),故名。第一、二次布匿战争是作战双方为争夺西 …

2.迦太基古城迦太基古城(CARTHAGE)就不必多说了,突尼斯的传说就是从这里开始。由昔日皇宫改建而成的巴杜博物馆收藏着全国各地出 …

3.迦太基遗址首页 > 目的地 > 非洲 > 突尼斯 > 突尼斯市 > 迦太基遗址 (Carthage) > 迦太基遗址地图 晴 16℃℃ - 25℃℃ 迦太基遗址七天天 …

4.迦太基城他是迦太基城Carthage)的一律师,生长于一位斯多亚派哲学家的门下。在他的著作中,他是倾向于以寓言法来解说安息日 …

5.迦太基帝国简介:在西元前8世纪~前146年,迦太基帝国Carthage)是腓尼基人在北非建立的城市国家。迦太基帝国强势时疆土辽阔,势 …

6.迦太基人西元前734年,迦太基人Carthage)曾在此建造一座古城,这就是阿基米得(Archimedes, 约287~212 B.C.)的故乡。他在 …


8.迦太基市下午,您将观赏迦太基市Carthage)的全景,探索旧罗马城的遗留景观,如公元 2 世纪建造的圆形竞技场、 沟渠和罗马储水 …


1.After the death of his father and brother-in-law, he took charge of Carthage's army in Spain (221).其父及姐夫去世后,他负责统帅西班牙的迦太基军队(西元前221年)。

2.Born in Algeria, he studied in Carthage, Rome and Milan before returning to North Africa to found a monastery.他出生于阿尔及利亚,在返回北非创立一所修道院之前,他先后在迦太基、罗马和米兰接受教育。

3.But Carthage had a huge naval advantage earlyon, with Rome catching up only long after the beginning of the confpct.但是迦太基在早期拥有着巨大的海上优势,罗马仅仅在冲突开始后才逐渐发力。

4.Dido & Aeneas - The Queen of Carthage kills herself in despair when her lover abandons her to found Rome.狄多与埃涅阿斯---迦太基王后发现爱人抛弃自己去寻找罗马后绝望地自杀了。

5.The bottom pne? ZIRP must abide. Oh, and Carthage must be destroyed we need more stimulus.最后一行(总结)?零利率政策必须坚持。哦,迦太基一定要消亡,我们需要更多的刺激政策。

6.Barcelona was founded by the Carthaginians and its name is derived from the great Barca family of ancient Carthage.这座城市由迦太基人建立,它的名字是从古迦太基的巴塞家族衍生而来的。

7.A horn sounded. The Carthage had sighted port. Everyone rushed back inside to pack. By mid-morning, we were in Tunis.号角吹响,迦太基号到港了。大家都回到自己的位置打点行囊准备下船。大约早中午的时候,我们抵达突尼斯。

8.In order to hold Capua, Carthage, and Numantia, the Romans destroyed them and did not lose them.而为了保有卡普阿、迦太基和努曼提亚,罗马人把这些城邦都摧毁了,也就不曾失去过这些地区*。

9.Carthage is probably the best known of these Phoenician colonies.最有名的聚居地可能要数迦太基了。

10.Babylon has no ideal; Carthage has no ideal.巴比伦没有理想,迦太基也没有。