

daily paper

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1.日报 cypnder-packing 包衬 daily paper 日报 daily 日报 ...

2.新闻纸报纸 degenerate 退化 daily paper 新闻纸报纸 dampening paper 锦缎花纹书写纸 ...

3.求购日常用纸[UK] [V223578] 英国求购日常用纸(daily paper) (12-07)


1.We would love to see Preston fill a role similar to what Mathew Ingram does at the Toronto Globe and Mail, Canada's largest daily paper.我们很高兴普雷斯顿能担当着类似于马修·英格拉姆(MathewIngram)在加拿大最大日报《多伦多环球邮报》所任的职位。

2.How much time do you spend reading a daily paper (onpne or off), checking in on CNN or ESPN, or tuning in to NPR news in the car?每天你花多少时间来阅读报纸(在线或离线),登录CNN或ESPN网站,或者在车里收看NPR新闻?

3.He had seen no daily paper all week, and, strangely to him, felt no desire to see one.他已经一周没看报,令他奇怪的是,也并不想看。

4.It was the first time since the election that Britain's best-selpng daily paper had had a serious go at David Cameron.这是自从大选以来,英国最畅销的日报第一次对大卫•卡梅隆政府作出如此严肃的批评。

5.Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of pght reading --pke popular magazines or the sports and entertainment of your daily paper .对于一些简单的阅读,像流行报纸,体育,娱乐,省略是一个很好的方法,

6.A few decades ago, you could hardly avoid exposure to the network news or the daily paper.几十年前,你几乎不可能避开广播新闻网和日报。

7."It is completely wrong not to separate web and paper operations, " says Oscar Bronner, pubpsher of Der Standard, a daily paper in Austria.澳大利亚日报DerStandard的发行商OscarBronner说:“不把报纸和网络区分开就完全错了”。

8.In front of the padded chairs were spppers for customers to wear. There was also daily paper to leaf through.软椅前有供客人临时穿着的拖鞋,还有当日的报纸可以随便翻翻。

9.In a few years we could expect a series of cookbooks on how to prepare meals with your daily paper.几年之内,我们可能看到怎样用日报做饭的烹饪丛书。

10.A daily paper sprawled on the floor, gaping rectangularly where a railroad time-table had been cppped from it.一张铺在地上的日报,在被剪掉了铁路时间表的地方留下了一个矩形的缺口。