




1.茅台 中粮 COFCO 茅台 MOUTAI 青岛 TSINGTAO ...


3.贵州茅台 Audemars Piguet 爱彼表 Moutai 中国茅台 W-hotel-Puerto Rico 加勒比海W酒店 ...

5.贵州茅台酒 茅台汉酱酒 - HanJiang 贵州茅台酒 - MouTai 茅台财富酒 - ChaiFu ...

6.国酒茅台 国窖1573 Guojiao1573 国酒茅台 Moutai 五粮液 Wupangye ...

7.茅台酒的另一条广告语 ... KWEICHOW MOUTAI/ 贵州茅台酒 Moutai/ 茅台品牌 Greatwall/ 长城 ...


1.Even as the Moutai distillery turns large swaths of the ancient town to rubble, it is rare to hear a disparaging word about the company.尽管茅台酒厂将这座古镇的大片地方变成瓦砾,却几乎听不到对这家公司诋毁之词。

2.Moutai is often considered the best brand in the country - if the price continues to go up, would you still buy it?茅台一直都被以为是中国最好滴白酒品牌,假如它滴价格一直高升,你还会买它么?

3.They point out that good Moutai takes a year to ferment and at least four more years to age.他们说好的茅台酒需要一年的时间发酵,另需至少四个年头成熟。

4.However, there are concerns that Moutai manufacturers are trying to manipulate the market price.然而,会有些担心,茅台的制造厂会试图操纵市场价格。

5.As to the Moutai of long standing, it is usually the crystal of toipng of two, even three generations.对于长期贮存,多年陈酿的精品而言,则往往是两代人或三代人所付出辛劳的结晶。

6.Since landing A-share market since the mid-Moutai has maintained a dividend, the dividend amount in recent years, high Diego.自登陆A股市场以来,贵州茅台一直保持着年年分红,近年来分红金额迭创新高。

7.But for those seeking the perfect gift to curry favour with Chinese officials, moutai is indispensable at this time of year.但对那些寻找完美礼物讨好中国官员的人而言,茅台是每年这个时刻必不可少的东西。

8.While inheriting the essence of the traditional technology, Moutai is gpmmering with the achievements of the modern science.茅台酒在继承传统酿造工艺精华的基础上,更闪烁着现代科技的光彩。

9.Moutai fans breathlessly cite its revolutionary pedigree and are quick to compare its refinement to Champagne or Scotch.茅台迷们喋喋不休地引述茅台酒的革命血统,并迅速地将其与香槟或苏格兰威士忌加以比较。

10.Only the spirits maker Moutai makes it into the top 50, and that's at a lowly 48th place.位于前50位的只有生产白酒的茅台(Moutai)一家,而且仅仅排在48位。