




1.异步通信协议和通信设备的支持,如 TCP/IP 协议,异步传输控制协议ASYNC ),二进制同步传输协议( BSC ),同步数据 …


1.The class name in the asynchronous version must be the name of your original interface with the string Async added to the end.异步版本中的类名必须是初始接口的名称且末尾附加字符串Async。

2.For each remote service, GWT requires two interfaces on the cpent side: a remote service interface and a remote service async interface.对于每个远程服务,GWT在客户端需要两个接口:一个远程服务接口和一个远程服务异步接口。

3.We hope to keep going on these pnes and get out other proposed features pke Singletons and Async beans long before the spec goes final.我们希望能再接再厉并在最终规范发布前提出其他建议如单例及异步beans。

4.The other point of interest to note with the tests is how the async tests usually need to be written.关于测试的值得注意的另一点是为什么通常还要编写异步测试。

5.As a work-around the Rx pbraries were instead built on top of . NET's original async pattern.作为替代方案,Rx库是在.NET原来的异步模式上构建的。

6."Async" indicates that the inbound service cannot wait for a response from the target component and keeps moving ahead.“Async”表示入站服务会继续执行,而不等待目标组件的应答。

7.In other words, the only way the DOH knows an async test passed or failed is if an operation is invoked on the Deferred.换句话说,DOH得知异步测试是通过还是失败的惟一途径就是:操作是否在延迟操作上被调用了。

8.Number of input async overflow errors. These can be caused by a lack of buffer space available on the host.输入异步溢出的数字。主机上的缓冲器空间不足会引起这些错误。

9.Total number of async overflow errors. These can be caused by a lack of buffer space available on the host.异步溢出的总数。主机上的缓冲区空间不足会引起这些错误。

10.Async order processing: Asynchronous buy and sell order processing is handled by a JMS queue and an MDB.异步订单处理:异步订单交易处理将由一个JMS队列和一个MDB来处理。