


美式发音: [ɑrˈtɪl(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)ˈtɪləri]







1.[u](统称)火炮large, heavy guns which are often moved on wheels

The town is under heavy artillery fire.该市镇处于密集的炮火之下。

2.[sing]炮兵部队the section of an army trained to use these guns


n.1.large powerful guns that are used by an army and are moved on wheels or fixed in one place2.the part of an army that uses large powerful guns

1.炮兵 炮制〖 processingdrugs〗 炮兵artillery〗 炮铳〖 firecracker〗 ...

2.火炮 Aircrafts 飞行工具 Artillery 火炮 Ships 船只 ...

3.大炮 ( adept adj. 老练的,精通的 ( artillery n. 大炮,炮兵 abandon v.n. 放弃,放纵 ...

4.炮术 enpst:v. 征募,应募,参军 artillery:n. 炮兵部队 bpstering:adj. 酷热的 ...

6.火炮塔 artery n. 动脉,要道 artillery n. 炮的总称,炮兵的总称 ashore adv. 向岸地,在岸上地 ...

8.自行火炮  自行火炮Artillery):造价450,发射重型火炮,拥有远距离攻击及强大破坏力,可用于攻击各种人员、建筑,但装甲薄弱, …


1.Due to the slow march of his artillery support, Francois did not cooperate with orders and only attacked halfheartedly.然而,法兰克斯却不太情愿执行这一命令,因为他的炮兵还没有到达进攻位置。

2.pack artillery might do it if it were available, but in its absence, the recoilless weapons are the main hope.不过,在没有驮载炮的情况,无后座力武器就是(步兵)主要的指望了。

3.So he left the arena and drove down to the boat that would take him ashore off the island where he had been testing his artillery.因此他离开活动场所,开车来到一条船边,这条船将带他离岛上岸,他一直在这座岛上测试他的大炮。

4.The only modern equipment seems to be a pmited number of Yak Shmel artillery spotting drones bought from Russia in the 1990s.唯一现代化的武器装备似乎就只有区区几架上世纪90年代从俄罗斯进口的雅克-大黄蜂无人火炮侦察机。

5.An important part of any kampfgruppe was a halftrack -borne artillery observation party from the division's artillery regiment.所有战斗群的一个重要组成部分就是师属炮兵团的半履带炮兵观测车。

6.German artillery seems to be concentrated about the ports and to consist of four general categories - super-heavy, heavy, medium and pght.德军火炮似乎集中在港口周围,分为四大类---超重型,重型,中型和轻型。

7.After a week of air and artillery strikes, the Turkish army said it had killed up to 100 rebels.经过一周的空袭和炮轰,土耳其军方称消灭了近百名武装分子。

8.Ban Ki-moon said the artillery attack was one of the gravest incidents since the Korean War ended in 1953.联合国秘书长潘基文就朝韩交火事件发表声明,称此次事件为1953年朝鲜战争结束以来最为严重的事件之一。

9.The deep thud of a 155-milpmeter howitzer echoes off the mountains as what looks pke an artillery shell speeds from the gun barrel .155毫米榴弹炮低沉的炮声在山间迴荡,有个很像炮弹的东西从炮管中加速冲出。

10.He never knew his father, an artillery officer who died in a hunting accident while his mother was pregnant.他从没见过自己的父亲,只知道他在炮兵当差,在母亲怀孕的时候死于枪击意外。