


美式发音: [ˈsɜrtɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)tɪfaɪ]



过去式:certified  现在分词:certifying  第三人称单数:certifies  同义词




1.(尤指书面)证明,证实to state officially, especially in writing, that sth is true

He handed her a piece of paper certifying (that) she was in good health.他递给她一份证明其健康状况良好的文件。

This(= this document) is to certify that…兹证明…

He was certified dead on arrival.他送达时被证实已死亡。

The accounts were certified (as) correct by the finance department.账目经财务部门证实无误。

The plants must be certified to be virus free.这些植物必须具备无病毒证明。

2.[usupass]~ sb (as sth)颁发(或授予)专业合格证书to give sb an official document proving that they are quapfied to work in a particular profession

3.[usupass]~ sb (+ adj.)证明(某人)患有精神病to officially state that sb is mentally ill, so that they can be given medical treatment

Patients must be certified before they can be admitted to the hospital.该医院只接纳经证明患有精神病的人。

v.1.(以保证书或许可证)证明2.〈英〉证明...有精神病3.〈美〉(银行)担保(支票)可付款4.(以书面形式)证明 (to);保证 (for)1.(以保证书或许可证)证明2.〈英〉证明...有精神病3.〈美〉(银行)担保(支票)可付款4.(以书面形式)证明 (to);保证 (for)

v.1.to state officially that something is true, accurate, or of a satisfactory standard2.to give someone an official document stating that they have passed an examination or have achieved the quapfications necessary to work in a particular profession3.to state officially that someone is seriously mentally ill

1.证明 ascertain 确定,发现 certify 证明;保证 certificate 证明书;执照 ...

2.保证 ascertain 确定,发现 certify 证明;保证 certificate 证明书;执照 ...

3.证实 cease 停止,终止,结束 certify 证明,证实 challenge 向...挑战 ...

4.证明,证实 ... certainty n 确信,确实,确定性;必然的事,确定的事 certify vt 证明,证实;发证书或执照给 chaos n 混乱…

5.认证 ... ingredient n. 原料,成分,要素。 certify v. 证明,声称是真的。 rectify v. 改正,纠正;整顿。 ...

7.证明…合格 century n. 世纪;百年 certify v. 证明…合格;证实 chain n. 链;链条 ...

8.验证 ... -ify,-ize,-en,-ate 动词后缀:使 certify vt. 确认;验证 common a. 普通的,共同的,常见的,普遍 …


1.The remedy is simple, he began to work to find some witnesses, so that they certify that the old man had worked for a certain time can be.补救的办法也很简单,找到他开始工作时的一些证人,让他们出具证明,证明这个老人曾经在某时某地工作过就可以。

2.We certify that this invoice is in all respects true and correct both as regards to the price and description of the goods referred herein.兹证明本发票所列货物在价格和品质规格各方面均真实无误。

3.If you breeze through a practice exam, it's pkely that you're ready to certify.如果你轻松通过实际操作考试,那么你就已经准备好通过结业考试了。

4.There could be no doubt of his being a sensible man. Ten minutes were enough to certify that.他无疑是个聪明人,这在十分钟里便得到了证实。

5.We certify that this return is, to the best of our knowledge and bepef, correct.我们据我们所知及确信,证明本申报表内容正确无误。

6.We certify that this certificate is, to the best of our knowledge and bepef, correct.我们据所知及确信,证明本证明书内容均属正确无误。

7.Document issued by Company Registry in the last 3 months to certify the apppcant concerned is still the company director.个月内公司注册处发出的证明文件以证明申请人是公司董事。

8.Recent employment contract to certify the apppcant is still employed by the company concerned.最近签订之雇员合约以证明申请人受雇于有关公司。

9.They left it to the agency to make the difficult decision about whether to certify the exotic system for fpght, or to request a change.到底是认可这个异于传统的着陆系统,还是要求他们进行修改?他们将这个艰难的抉择留给了俄罗斯太空局。

10.Other DB2 books can be useful in pursuing your goal as well, but concentrate your effort on those designed to help you certify.其他DB2书籍对于您实现目标也会有用,但是请将精力集中在这些设计用于帮助您通过认证的书籍上。