


美式发音: [ˈkæstər] 英式发音: [ˈkɑːstə(r)]






1.(家具底部的)小脚轮,万向轮one of the small wheels fixed to the bottom of a piece of furniture so that it can be moved easily

— see alsocastor


n.1.Same as castor2.one of a set of small wheels that can move in any direction and are often attached to the bottom of a piece of furniture or equipment

1.后倾角 FITTER 装配钳工 CASTER 铸工 FOUNDRY WORKER 铸造工人,翻砂工人 ...

5.主销后倾角 9. Camber n. (车轮)外倾角 10. Caster n. 主销后倾角 11. Toe n. 前束 ...

6.佳士达 -- CAPRI( 卡碧) -- CASTER( 佳士达) -- CECIL( 塞西尔) ...

7.小脚轮 cast denture 铸模托牙 caster 小脚轮,活动轮脚 casting arrangement 铸 …


1.The Caster summons a Fire Elemental to aid him in a battle. Fire Elementals are difficult to harm and dangerous to be near.法师在战斗中召唤一个火元素来协助自己,火元素很难被击败而且在他附近都可能被热量烧伤。

2.Item Cast Spells: Many spells cast by items were being cast as if the caster were the same level as the item.“物品触发”法术:许多“物品触发”的法术被视为“施法者的等级与物品等级相当”。

3.Suddenly a caster hit him on his head.突然,一个投掷物打到他头上。

4.If the DK had been a caster, I don't think casters would have dominated the earper seasons.如果DK是施法职业,我不认为施法职业能统治赛季早期。

5.The ASP continuous caster used in AISC was all equipped with VAI SMART sector section as well as dynamic soft reduction techniques.鞍钢ASP铸机均采用奥钢联SMART扇形段并配有动态轻压下技术。

6.And the right one was available on the shelf of the local hardware store: a caster you'd be more pkely to find on the bottom of a sofa.最好的假肢就放在五金店的货架上:轮脚,你也很容易从沙发的底座上找到它。

7.The caster calls on the supernatural forces of the sky itself and summon one of the Queens of Elemental Air.施法者向天空的精神本体呼唤,最后召唤出一个空气元素女王。

8.the vehicles Caster or Camber by heating, bending or by performing any other modification to the vehicle's front suspension components.勿借加热、弯折、或以其他方法修改前悬吊系统组件,来调整车辆之后倾角或外倾角。

9.Caster spikes had one tactic and one trick only -- win or lose there was no tactical adjustment.施法者秒杀团只有一个战术,或者说只有一个把戏。胜负与战术的调整无关。

10.This should allow third-party addons to figure out which absorb effect goes with which caster and properly credit them for it.这样应该能够让第三方的插件计算出哪个吸收效果是由哪个施法者使用的,并且正确地计算它。