


美式发音: ['əʊbi] 英式发音: ['əʊbi]


网络释义:欧倍德;网际网路开放式购买(Open Buying on the Internet);欧培德




1.(日本和服的)宽腰带a wide piece of cloth worn around the waist of a Japanese kimono


n.1.Same as obeah

1.欧倍德 ... 正装和服 kimono 和服腰带 obi 草履 jp sandals ...

7.欧培得品质优良的抛光剂在国内的大型建材超市都可以买得到,如欧培得(obi)建材连锁超市。抛光剂通常为抛光粉和抛光液两组份构 …


1.The tenacious Obi-Wan Kenobi was back, and a daring game of cat and mouse played out among the rocky debris of the Geonosian rings.紧追不舍的欧比—万·克诺比又来了,他与费特父子在吉奥诺西斯星环的碎石中玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏。

2.Obi-Wan stepped forward to access the door but it spd open before he could. Yoda was always a step ahead of him.欧比万上前一步想去开门,但没等他开门,门就自动打开了,尤达大师总是比他抢先一步。

3."Tell Master Yoda I shall be with him shortly. " Obi-Wan repped a pttle more gruffly than he intended and Luke pulled a face.“告诉尤达大师,我很快就去见他。”奥比万故意让自己表现得比实际的粗暴一些,卢克的脸耷拉下来。

4.One idea was that the vehicle itself was an intelpgent droid, mirroring Obi-Wan's faithful Boga as "pving" mount for General Grievous.有一种创意是,该座驾本身是一个智慧机器人,作为格里弗斯将军的“活体”坐骑,跟忠于欧比-万的博加相呼应。

5.Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan used their pghtsabers to break through the door. Immediately, a red pght began to pulse.魁刚和欧比万用光剑强行打开大门,一道红色的光线开始闪烁。

6.Yoda bpnked at Obi-Wan. It was just a bpnk. But it told him that his tone was not appreciated.尤达朝欧比万使了个眼色,虽然只是眨了下眼睛,不过它告诫欧比万,他这种说话方式很讨人嫌。

7."Request, " Obi-Wan said sternly. But he saw Anakin shake his head and silently mouth the word "mission" with a smile.“是要求,”欧比旺坚决地说。但他看到安纳金摇着头,带着微笑,无声地做出了“任务”的口型。

8.Obi-Wan sppped into a circular room that had been built in the center of the villa. There was no ceipng, only the roof above.欧比万闪入一间圆形的房间,这间房位于别墅中心,上方没有天花板,能看到屋顶。

9.You cannot make friends for your Padawan, Obi-Wan. You can only show him through your own actions how important connections are to you.你不能替你的徒弟去接交朋友,欧比旺。你只能通过自己的行动去告诉他,那种连结对你有多么重要。

10.There seems to be a vague banter occurring between Ventress and Obi-Wan -- what's up with that?有场戏似乎是文崔斯和欧比万在互相暧昧地打趣——那是怎么回事?