


美式发音: [rɪˈmɑrkəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪˈmɑː(r)kəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.remarkable achievement,remarkable progress,remarkable thing,remarkable recovery,remarkable talent







1.非凡的;奇异的;显著的;引人注目的unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice

a remarkable achievement/career/talent非凡的成就╱事业╱才能

She was a truly remarkable woman.她是一位真正非同凡响的女人。

The area is remarkable for its scenery.这一地区以其优美的景色而引人瞩目。

It is remarkable that nobody noticed sooner.竟然没有人早点发现,真有意思。


adj.1.unusual in a way that surprises or impresses you

1.非凡的 OOMPH( 热情的) REMARKABLE( 非凡的) SWEETSN9( 甜点) ...

2.值得注意的 remark n 评论;意见 remarkable a 不平常的;值得注意的 landmark n 里程碑,界标 ...

3.显著的 creative a. 创造性的 remarkable a. 显著的; 非凡的 shape vt. 形成, 塑造 ...

4.异常的 remains n. 残余,余额;废墟 remarkable a. 异常的,非凡的 remember vt. 记得,想起;记住 ...

5.卓越的 confirmation 证实 remarkable 卓越的 community 社区 ...

6.不寻常的 promptly 及时地 remarkable 不寻常的 prince 君主 ...

7.引人注目的 responsible 负责的,可靠的 remarkable 非凡的,引人注目的 important: 重要的,重 …


1.But what's more remarkable (at least to me -- a lay person and an accident waiting to happen) is the relative ease with which he works.但更神奇的是(至少对于我这样一个肯定会出错的外行来说),他可以相当轻松地完成工作。

2.This success is all the more remarkable considering the troubles that regularly seem to engulf the company.鉴于公司似乎总受定期出现的麻烦的困扰,这个成绩尤显突出。

3.Music has proved to be such a remarkable outlet for your emotions, and a great tool of heapng.音乐已被证明是这样一个你的情绪显着的出口,以及治疗伟大的工具。

4.They were special times for the city and I'm proud to have been part of such a remarkable season in Liverpool's history.他们是这座城市特殊的记忆和时代,我很自豪自己曾经参与过利物浦这段辉煌的历史。

5.But when all is said and done, my mother was a most remarkable woman, with a strong and sterpng character.衡量而论,我的母亲是一位非常杰出的女人,性格坚定而优秀。

6.Except seeds, I did not use any other external input and a remarkable transformation started taking place gradually, " says Mr. Murthy. "除了种子外,我没有使用任何外部投入,于是我的土地上开始渐渐产生显著的变化。

7.This abstinence, so remarkable in an Indian, when he possessed the means of satisfying hunger, at length attracted the notice of Heyward.有食物可以充饥的时候,竟忍着不吃,这在一个印第安人来说,实属罕见,因此这事终于引起了海沃德的注意。

8.They work together to produce a remarkably fresh and innovative taste. . . and a remarkable level of energy.它们在一起能创造出一个令人心旷神怡的清新与美妙绝伦的口味…还有带来不可想象的能量。

9.The stillness of her head and features was remarkable: she might have been in a trance, her eyes open, yet unseeing.很明显,她的头和她的面目安详沉静:她似乎在那儿发怔出神,眼睛睁得大大的,但是却看不见。

10.The paper that emerged was a remarkable indictment of the elaborate architecture that grew up over the decades since the Wall Street crash.随后出炉的文件,尖锐批评了华尔街崩盘后几十年来发展起来的复杂架构。