




1.参加会议 at / on weekends 在周末 attend a meeting 参加会议 · be able to 能够做…… ...

2.出席会议 join in 加入(一起做) attend a meeting 出席会议 attend a lecture 参加演讲 ...

3.赴会 ... 复会[ resume a session] 赴会[ attend a meeting;keep an appointment] 公会[ guild] ...

4.开会 讲几句话 say a few words 开会: attend a meeting 开绿灯: turn on the green pght ...

5.参加一个会议 付账单 pat bills 39. 参加一个会议 attend a meeting 40. 溜冰 ice skate 41. ...

6.参加一场会议 ... 17 到达 抵达 arrive in/at 20 参加一场会议 attend a meeting/conference 37 交通规则 traffic regulations/rules ...

7.出席一个会议 attend church 去做礼拜 attend a meeting 出席一个会议 be about up to the average 几乎达到一般水平 ...


1.I'm afraid Thursday is out for me. I'm expected to attend a meeting of our personnel committee, and it's very important for me to be there.我恐怕星期四也不行。我要去参加一个人事委员会的会议,这个会非常重要,我一定得到。

2.B: I can't . I've got to attend a meeting in London.不行。我得去伦敦开会。

3.On 7 April, the office for nuclear development invited companies to attend a meeting at the NIA's headquarters in London.四月七日,核能发展办公室邀请各大公司在伦敦的核工业联合会(NIA)总部开会。

4.Unfortunately, I have already agreed to attend a meeting in London and therefore will be unable to attend your dinner.不巧的是我已经同意参加伦敦的一个会议,因此不能出席你们的宴会。

5.A lawyer shall not attend a meeting with any other criminal suspect or defendant in custody in a same case.律师不得参与对同一案件中其他在押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的会见。

6.Indian Finance Minister P. Chidambaram says he will attend a meeting of finance heads from the Group of Seven nations in February in London.印度财政部长奇丹巴拉姆说,他将参加二月在伦敦举行的七国集团财政部长会议。

7.Please count me out from the tug of war tomorrow; I shall have to attend a meeting.明天的拔河比赛请不要把我算在里面;我要参加一个会。

8.When I returned home, I found a note pinned on my door saying that I should go to attend a meeting that afternoon.当我回到家时,我发现门上钉着一张便条,通知我下午去开会。

9.attend a meeting attend a wedding attend school attend a film e. g. He decided to attend the conference in person.他决定亲自参加会议。

10.If you are busy , dodge right away to come to replace you to go and attend a meeting me.如果你忙的话,就让我来代替你去参加会议。