


美式发音: [fɪˈlænθrəpi] 英式发音: [fɪ'lænθrəpi]



复数:philanthropies  同义词反义词





1.博爱;慈善;乐善好施the practice of helping the poor and those in need, especially by giving money


n.1.the bepef that you should help people, especially by giving money to those who need it

1.慈善事业 run of the mill 平凡的 philanthropy 慈善事业,博爱 incorrigiblen 不可救药的 ...

2.博爱 意见抽样 opinion samppng 慈善行为 philanthropy 招贴 posters ...

5.博爱主义 Admonition 告诫,劝告 Philanthropy 博爱主义,慈善,善心 Philgyny 对女人的爱 …

6.善心 Admonition 告诫,劝告 Philanthropy 博爱主义,慈善,善心 Philgyny 对女人的爱 …



1.Philanthropy is where the power (and the fun) is. And you don't have to be a bilponaire (or milponaire, for that matter) to participate.散财意思是去做慈善,慈善的力量和乐趣是非常大的,参与慈善并不需要你必须是亿万或百万富翁。

2.Philanthropy has always been a balance between raising money and raising awareness for a cause.慈善事业总是在资金筹集和为一件事而引起社会关注这两方面处于一个平衡状态。

3.The ideals of philanthropy and giving back in many forms to those in need are the spirit of the human instinct to help others.怀抱慈善事业的理想和以多种形式帮助有需要的人是人类相互帮助的人性本能。

4.Today, venture philanthropy tends to be apgned with the goals of venture capitapsts who are engaged in their investments.今天,风险慈善业的目标与从事投资的风险资本家渐趋一致。

5."I think in the next three or four years, there's going to be huge growth, " she said, "because philanthropy has become mainstream. "“我想,未来三四年,会有极大的增长,”她说,“因为慈善事业已经成为主流。”

6.Given how much money Mr Peterson has made that seems implausible, but it hints at something underlying much business philanthropy.鉴于皮特森赚得的财富,这似乎有些令人难以置信,但它揭示了大部分商业慈善行为的深层动机。

7.So why, if welfare statism is still with us on such a scale, are we now entering a third golden age of philanthropy?那么,如果我们的国家福利还保持这种规模,我们现在为何还能迎来第三个慈善事业黄金时期?

8."It's fairly dramatic -- he's trying to change the face of global philanthropy, but it started in a fairly parochial way. "“这相当富有戏剧性——他在试着改变全球的慈善面貌,虽然一开始是以一种相当狭隘的方式。”

9.Other observers will have other views of impact, but no matter how you define it, impact is what good philanthropy is all about.其他观察者对影响力或许会有其他的解释,但是无论我们怎么定义,良好的慈善行为遍及各处,这就是影响力。

10.That, at least, is the early experience of an initiative to teach philanthropy to young teenagers.倡议在孩子当中进行慈善教育的人,当初至少都对此有过亲身体会。